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Typhoon H Plus brand new.

The chute looks ridiculous, I was tempted to get one, but $$$ and having a hex is the next best insurance. Whatever goes up must come down, and hex does not crash. Have you guys seen an Inspire 2 that got knocked out of the sky by a pigeon? Ouch!
I've seen a Inspire 1 get taken out by a wave runner in mid air. whole thing vanished into the ocean.:oops:
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Do you have any problems if you are flying near metal structures? I have a bridge to photograph, there is a lot of metal and I do not know what to expect :) Its for 3D reconstruction ... I have to fly little closer.

There are drones that I trust 100% Yuneec only has 85% of my trust right now. Some footage of this video was captured with the H+

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I've seen a Inspire 1 get taken out by a wave runner in mid air. whole thing vanished into the ocean.:oops:

I saw that one in YouTube. But a bird? And there are many not just one incident. Bottom like again, it would never happen to a Hex.
Well, it feels like brand new.

After the NFZ unlock, work just got better, I took the H+ to do a survey the sites this morning, before I mapping this weekend.. And behind the scenes it made the DJI fan boys, stare and ask questions, they are all wondering if I've gone to the darkside. Heck yea.. I'm flying a Hex, bro, and hex don't crash like DJI drones.

There are some negatives points to the H+ but for now, I will concentrate on the pros and to put it in one word... BAD ***! Because the H+ held its own, and ate the geofence warnings like a champ. BUT! It almost gave me a heart attack , when it suddenly lost connections, but flew right back and regained connectivity. Loving this bird right now.

I just want to clear this up 100% just so I am reading this right.

You have an H Plus? and not the H
You have got NFZ removed?
If so how?
Was it like the old way for the Typhoon H 480 of calling Yuneec, providing your commercial number and them sending you a link to the unlocked firmware?

Many thanks for answering
Why am I calling It geofence! Sorry for the confusion, bro “GEOMAGNETIC” now my head is back in the game and well rested.

Yes, that makes more sense. Here is a screen shot of the compass warning with a Plus. I see them every now and then; about as often as I did on my Typhoon 480 which wasn't very often.

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Yes, that makes more sense. Here is a screen shot of the compass warning with a Plus. I see them every now and then; about as often as I did on my Typhoon 480 which wasn't very often.

View attachment 11881

My previous flight


My apologies for the mislabeling.

I haven’t been working, with the H+ for a couple of days, I’ve been in the office caching materials. But, later today, I will be plotting, excited about this location, because this is the spot where, I had flown someone’s 480 and the 480 was actually solid.

Can’t wait to take the H+ where it could not fly before the NFZ unlock. I will be doing a fly a simple grid patterns on a structure (asset management AKA security work [emoji23])

Litchi improved DJI’s geomagnetic interference sensitivity. I fly LITCHI 99% of the time, when I’m mapping. Yuneec should redefined their parameters.

The problem is that it Yuneec doesn’t have an SDK for 3rd party developers to write to. Any software like this is going to have to be developed by Yuneec. The SDK is one of the brilliant moves by DJI. By letting other developers. For example @Tuna really examine and tweak it, because majority of the developers are forum members and they listen to our needs.
BTW at @Ty Pilot my time stamps are incorrect. I always fly at 11am - 3pm. Mine just doesn’t get the correct time, and this is the same with my telemetry, when I’m logging my flights, I have to verbally note on my GoPro, so I can later fix in DroneLogbook.
So the bird lost the control signal and enter RTH? Was it behind a building? Unusual to lose the control signal.
Mine did it twice today. Once on its first flight and then again the second time I took it up. Had the controller pointed right at it. Maybe 500-600 feet away.
At what distance were you @kirkster , also the two tall antennas should be at 90 degree angles to the aircraft, while the patch antenna should have its flat side pointed at the aircraft (if your using that antenna instead of the mushroom.
I have no clue what you are talking about. Perhaps you are confusing the video feed with the control signal. It is extremely rare to lose the control signal. I've managed to do so on one occasion. And what the heck has geofencing got to do with the rf signal?

I’m with you on that. After a couple years flying a pair of H’s in several states, one area with very high RF saturation, and a 920 for almost a year, I have yet to experience any type of spurious control loss. For over a year before the H’s I also flew a Chroma that never, ever suffered an RC signal loss. Video freeze a couple of times but never a control loss with RTH. The only time that ever happened is the one time I put an H in Pad node while in flight.

If someone wants faster satellite acquisition, relocate the GPS antenna. The 920 with a forward elevated antenna acquires quickly, as do the H’s outfitted with Johnno’s GPS modification.

Using WiFi for a video carrier assures there will be some lag after a given distance. Using 5.8MHz does the same thing. In a way it’s a good thing as loss of video is an early warning that the edge of RF range might be getting close. Works similar in mil grade small UAV’s; if the video starts breaking up it’s time to turn around. The lag with the H is but a few micro seconds different from a Phantom 3. Insignificant really unless flying BLOS in an FPV mode. As that is illegal I have no sympathy for those in that boat. People that choose to flaunt or break the rules don’t deserve having a manufacturer change things to make it easier for rules to be violated. Perdonally, I think all consumer drones should auto land when they exceed a distance of 1/2 to 3/4 mile from the control station. Smaller drones should auto land at no more than 1/3 mile. The operators can’t see them.
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I have a Typhoon 480 with over 300 flights and a Plus with 128 flights and I have not once lost either the Video or RC link of either in two almost years. Granted I am flying in Rural areas and fly within visual sight at all times. Satellite acquisition of the Plus in my location of central Florida is lighting quick compared to the 480 so that has never been a problem for me either.

I tend to agree with @PatR regarding barring consumer off the shelf UAV's from having the ability to fly well past the point at which it is possible to see with a human eye. I do understand the argument that the ability in range acts as bit of 'signal strength insurance' in certain environments but the ability to fly so far will eventually have a negative impact on us all if it hasn't already. Perhaps just put a GEO fence on these things that stop them at a certain distance, kind of like what Smart Mode does at 300 feet - have it sit there and go no further than what ever the limit may be like 1200 to 1500 feet or so.
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I have a Typhoon 480 with over 300 flights and a Plus with 128 flights and I have not once lost either the Video or RC link of either in two almost years. Granted I am flying in Rural areas and fly within visual sight at all times. Satellite acquisition of the Plus in my location of central Florida is lighting quick compared to the 480 so that has never been a problem for me either.

I tend to agree with @PatR regarding barring consumer off the shelf UAV's from having the ability to fly well past the point at which it is possible to see with a human eye. I do understand the argument that the ability in range acts as bit of 'signal strength insurance' in certain environments but the ability to fly so far will eventually have a negative impact on us all if it hasn't already. Perhaps just put a GEO fence on these things that stop them at a certain distance, kind of like what Smart Mode does at 300 feet - have it sit there and go no further than what ever the limit may be like 1200 to 1500 feet or so.
How does that work in Follow Me mode when the pilot is in a car or riding a bicycle?
If you're asking how Follow Me works on the Plus, I have not used that yet but those tasks are no longer performed in Smart Mode and I think on the 480 when in Follow Me mode it disables the Smart Circle type of functions and lets the craft follow you/the controller. I can confirm that when using a 480 in follow mode it will follow well beyond the normal smart circle distance.

As to using the term 'Smart Mode' I was just using it as an example of how the functionality is already in the system - it knows where the controller is and where the aircraft is and can, and does, update on the fly so; it could be done at any distance to comply with the LOS rule.
We should remember that Yuneec designs their products around a limited range value. That reduces their product liability considerably. DJI goes the opposite direction, designing and advertising for multi mile range on one hand while incorporating a massive NFZ and warning database on the other.

I’m waiting to see what recommendations the NTSB comes out with in their final report covering the BLOS collision between a Phantom and a helicopter inside a TFR zone. It’s possible it could set the stage for a federal ruling against DJI.
I’m with you on that. After a couple years flying a pair of H’s in several states, one area with very high RF saturation, and a 920 for almost a year, I have yet to experience any type of spurious control loss. For over a year before the H’s I also flew a Chroma that never, ever suffered an RC signal loss. Video freeze a couple of times but never a control loss with RTH. The only time that ever happened is the one time I put an H in Pad node while in flight.

If someone wants faster satellite acquisition, relocate the GPS antenna. The 920 with a forward elevated antenna acquires quickly, as do the H’s outfitted with Johnno’s GPS modification.

Using WiFi for a video carrier assures there will be some lag after a given distance. Using 5.8MHz does the same thing. In a way it’s a good thing as loss of video is an early warning that the edge of RF range might be getting close. Works similar in mil grade small UAV’s; if the video starts breaking up it’s time to turn around. The lag with the H is but a few micro seconds different from a Phantom 3. Insignificant really unless flying BLOS in an FPV mode. As that is illegal I have no sympathy for those in that boat. People that choose to flaunt or break the rules don’t deserve having a manufacturer change things to make it easier for rules to be violated. Perdonally, I think all consumer drones should auto land when they exceed a distance of 1/2 to 3/4 mile from the control station. Smaller drones should auto land at no more than 1/3 mile. The operators can’t see them.

I fly daily for work, I work 7 days a week, because I’m a small business. The pits that I work in are not the greatest, and I careless of cinematography. A hint: Thankful for Yuneec for having and open communication line with me. That video lag is a simple fix, and it can be fixed, Yuneec is not ready for prime time, and soon it will be.

I’m currently in Las Vegas. Happy Monday everyone.

At what distance were you @kirkster , also the two tall antennas should be at 90 degree angles to the aircraft, while the patch antenna should have its flat side pointed at the aircraft (if your using that antenna instead of the mushroom.
I had the antenna pointed straight. I'll try angling them. I also discovered there is a firmware upgrade available for the drone and controller.

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