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Typhoon H vs. H+ reliability

I would be interested to learn of your process?

Certainly.. The process of plotting as some of you already know, the most important key is having the right percentage of overlaps. The craft or tool does not have to be on a straight (lat) line or uniformed height (alt) line just as long as the as the photographs are close enough to be able to stitch, create a point cloud and a mesh. But the operator has to fly as close inside the flight grid or radius path.

Here’s an exercise, take your camera (or phone) select a subject and find your height. Once you have found your height, check all your camera settings, pause to steady the camera, focus, and take your first shot. Check the shot. If everything looks good, take shots around the subject around every 10 to 15 degrees, pausing to steady yourself between each shot. Once you have done a 360 degree ring around the subject. Load it up to Agisoft or Autodesk Recap Pro and you will be amazed of the results, I personally work in Recap Pro.

With GCPS aerial work will get a bit.... not tricky, but a fun challenge that no Drone Delopy or other aerial surveyors will understand if he or she is an App user.
Learn to do things in manual mode to understand the concept of survey/mapping in Relative and Absolute accuracy.
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Certainly.. The process of plotting as some of you already know, the most important key is having the right percentage of overlaps. The craft or tool does not have to be on a straight (lat) line or uniformed height (alt) line just as long as the as the photographs are close enough to be able to stitch, create a point cloud and a mesh. But the operator has to fly as close inside the flight grid or radius path.

Here’s an exercise, take your camera (or phone) select a subject and find your height. Once you have found your height, check all your camera settings, pause to steady the camera, focus, and take your first shot. Check the shot. If everything looks good, take shots around the subject around every 10 to 15 degrees, pausing to steady yourself between each shot. Once you have done a 360 degree ring around the subject. Load it up to Agisoft or Autodesk Recap Pro and you will be amazed of the results, I personally work in Recap Pro.

With GCPS aerial work will get a bit.... not tricky, but a fun challenge that no Drone Delopy or other aerial surveyors will understand if he or she is an App user.
Learn to do things in manual mode to understand the concept of survey/mapping in Relative and Absolute accuracy.
Thank you RPR, so for mapping I presume you need geo tagged images?
Is it not difficult to get the coverage at 80% overlap over the entire mapped area?
Were you taking any images at 45deg. for 3D on any terrain or buildings?

I will probably try this with my H if possible for the exercise as my mapping knowledge is minimal, I have a 920+ which does not have geo tagged images.

The workflow for manual geotagging/geofencing is done through “ArduPilot”
CalFire, SAR and agricultural UAV pilots with sUAV airplane and gas powered UAV drones uses this platform for work. There are lots of construction pilots on the field that uses this as well due to working on the field where GPS is minimal to none, mostly the ones working volumetric for mining companies.
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What’s interesting is the ability to use Audupilot and MissionPlanner for mapping work has been present for years and was the first FC code Pix4D was compatible with.
Good evening gents, the more I read this forum the more that I am reluctant to getting an H+ and H520. I log to this forum hoping that there is a positive review or thread. A brief intro about me. I'm an aerial drone surveyor and inspector in the San Francisco bay area, and after dealing with DJI products over the years and specially in recent months DJI customer service has failed me more than once and I am now giving up with DJI. I fly almost everyday, and I need a drone that, I can use as a work horse. I was hoping to get into the Yuneec H+ and H520 with the much needed hassle and stress due to firmware malfunctions.
Well if all you read is from the problems then I’d see your point. Here is a positive viewpoint. The Plus is hands down the best consumer drone I’ve flown. It’s a real anyplace stedicam or jib boom or dolly or whatever cinematic approach you desire and can fly. The camera is very good and worthy of any film or video job. I’ve had zero issues and current on firmware. I think going to LiHV for the battery has made a big difference in performance, flight time, and connection. They have already added smart mode in place of sport if you want and a manual mode. I’ve noticed better flight stability also with the last upgrade. I cannot speak for the 520 but I’m glad I waited for the Plus.
Good evening gents, the more I read this forum the more that I am reluctant to getting an H+ and H520. I log to this forum hoping that there is a positive review or thread. A brief intro about me. I'm an aerial drone surveyor and inspector in the San Francisco bay area, and after dealing with DJI products over the years and specially in recent months DJI customer service has failed me more than once and I am now giving up with DJI. I fly almost everyday, and I need a drone that, I can use as a work horse. I was hoping to get into the Yuneec H+ and H520 with the much needed hassle and stress due to firmware malfunctions.

For the record, I did start a thread back in early July and recorded much of my thoughts from the moment I purchased through the first flights and more. Typhoon H Plus - First Impressions
IMO the Plus is a good platform. There is a lot of discussion over what could be done better or what desirable features might be added, and differences between previous platforms, but that’s as it should be. Actual problem posts are small in number.

People need to be able to differentiate between “discovery” and “problems” when considering their purchases. A nice thing about Yuneec products, new features are added to an existing product periodically. It may not happen as fast as we would like but with other drones you have to buy a new release to obtain new features, or to obtain corrections for defects and weaknesses present in what you have.
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There’s a guy here that wrote a toolkit, UAV toolkit? I forgot got his name, but I’ve seen a video of that toolkit and I think it’s genius.
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I kind of view the whole shortage of features thing as a a marking strategy. When the Plus release date was announced there was only one other camera drone planned for release, and that was the EVO. Both the Plus and the Evo had the same rough release period so whomever got their product to market first had a buyer advantage. Lo and behold one other camera drone was later announced to be released, the Anafi, in the same time period. That Autel has stumbled does not change the equation as they have loyal customers from the X-Star that will maintain interest longer than the average buyer. Some may say that DJI had announced an upcoming release of a new camera drone for the same time period but that announcement didn't occur until the other three made it clear their stuff was about to hit the shelves, so we might view the DJI announcement as more of a "spoiler" to cause people to delay buying anything until the DJI product was released. Being market disruptive is totally in character for them That shortly after DJI announced their new release was imminent a new announcement was made it would be delayed until next week sort of supports that position. You don't announce the imminent release, with a hard release date, of a product that is not yet ready. That messes with your credibility. So we have four companies vying for new product market share in what is becoming a market with a diminishing number of buyers. We aren't buying in the numbers we used to.

Getting the product out the door, even if not 100% feature complete, gets people looking at, reviewing, and buying your product. The best advertising is what's generated by the independent people using the product. If you have a history of adding new features after the initial release your prospective customers recognize that what they are buying may well not be all they will end up getting. More is on the way over a period of time, arriving in the form of firmware updates. Yuneec has such history, and Parrot is rapidly establishing they are following the same practice. Both the Plus and the Anafi have experienced firmware updates since release that have increased versatility. Parrot has been more prolific in this regard with the Anafi but there's no reason to think Yuneec has ceased development of new feature firmware. They've never been the fastest at doing that but they have been repetitively consistent. There is certainly more to come. It might just be a game of "Who's on First", and whomever that may be will hold the pole position in unit sales for awhile, and that's all they really care about.
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I kind of view the whole shortage of features thing as a a marking strategy. When the Plus release date was announced there was only one other camera drone planned for release, and that was the EVO. Both the Plus and the Evo had the same rough release period so whomever got their product to market first had a buyer advantage. Lo and behold one other camera drone was later announced to be released, the Anafi, in the same time period. That Autel has stumbled does not change the equation as they have loyal customers from the X-Star that will maintain interest longer than the average buyer. Some may say that DJI had announced an upcoming release of a new camera drone for the same time period but that announcement didn't occur until the other three made it clear their stuff was about to hit the shelves, so we might view the DJI announcement as more of a "spoiler" to cause people to delay buying anything until the DJI product was released. Being market disruptive is totally in character for them That shortly after DJI announced their new release was imminent a new announcement was made it would be delayed until next week sort of supports that position. You don't announce the imminent release, with a hard release date, of a product that is not yet ready. That messes with your credibility. So we have four companies vying for new product market share in what is becoming a market with a diminishing number of buyers. We aren't buying in the numbers we used to.

Getting the product out the door, even if not 100% feature complete, gets people looking at, reviewing, and buying your product. The best advertising is what's generated by the independent people using the product. If you have a history of adding new features after the initial release your prospective customers recognize that what they are buying may well not be all they will end up getting. More is on the way over a period of time, arriving in the form of firmware updates. Yuneec has such history, and Parrot is rapidly establishing they are following the same practice. Both the Plus and the Anafi have experienced firmware updates since release that have increased versatility. Parrot has been more prolific in this regard with the Anafi but there's no reason to think Yuneec has ceased development of new feature firmware. They've never been the fastest at doing that but they have been repetitively consistent. There is certainly more to come. It might just be a game of "Who's on First", and whomever that may be will hold the pole position in unit sales for awhile, and that's all they really care about.

Just to be fair Autel has released firmware updates to the EVO as well and have fixed the initial issues.

I have good feelings about the H+ and where it’s headed. The flight characteristics reported are a significant step up from the H. The camera is a huge improvement. The fact that they’re putting out firmware updates is very encouraging. It’s way to early to condemn Yuneec for this new bird.

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