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Update 1.3 - 1 March 2018

lets hope so. Does yours have the problem?
I don't have one but been desperately wanting to get one for mapping and inspection. I currently just have the H and have just agreed to buy a 920 plus for video/photography but would like to add the 520 to my fleet. That is why I have interest in the successful outcome of this. I really don't want to go down the "other ;) " route.
The other route is having it’s share of problems as well. It doesn’t like to fly a straight line, and the gimbal doesn’t hold position. The Mavic flies a straighter path.

The 920 should help out your waypoint flights but the CGO-4 provides zero geo reference data. If you absolutely need that you’ll need to use a CGO-3 with a gimbal adapter.
The other route is having it’s share of problems as well. It doesn’t like to fly a straight line, and the gimbal doesn’t hold position. The Mavic flies a straighter path.

The 920 should help out your waypoint flights but the CGO-4 provides zero geo reference data. If you absolutely need that you’ll need to use a CGO-3 with a gimbal adapter.

.... What do you mean it doesn't fly a straight line? My H520 flies in a straight light and I don't have gimbal problems....
I don't have one but been desperately wanting to get one for mapping and inspection. I currently just have the H and have just agreed to buy a 920 plus for video/photography but would like to add the 520 to my fleet. That is why I have interest in the successful outcome of this. I really don't want to go down the "other ;) " route.
I'm the same, I so want the H520/E90 to work, my Typhoon H is fine after I changed the lens on the CGO3+. I even recently bought a second hand P4 Pro as the E90 was causing me too many issues. The P4 Pro as good as it is, I hate with a passion. It does the job well but looks like a toy and does not impress clients at all!
The other route is having it’s share of problems as well. It doesn’t like to fly a straight line, and the gimbal doesn’t hold position. The Mavic flies a straighter path.

The 920 should help out your waypoint flights but the CGO-4 provides zero geo reference data.
Yes its a shame, though I didn't buy it for that reason. I wonder if its possible with a GH4 although I suppose all the images would have to be taken manually
.... What do you mean it doesn't fly a straight line? My H520 flies in a straight light and I don't have gimbal problems....
But untill the last update my H520 would not fly in a straight line for the first few mins of every flight. It does now.
When did you buy your H520 Panomapic?
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I think Pat was taking about the P4. But untill the last update my H520 would not fly in a straight line for the first few mins of every flight. It does now.
When did you buy your H520 Panomapic?

I bought mine a month and a half ago... Really liking it thus far.
I bought mine a month and a half ago... Really liking it thus far.
Interesting. All the owners including me that I know of with the issue seems to have had theirs from the very first batch. I wonder if the first batch had a problem?
.... What do you mean it doesn't fly a straight line? My H520 flies in a straight light and I don't have gimbal problems....

The other route is the I2. You might want to come up to speed with how different systems are performing.
We try not to specifically name DJI or their products in the Yuneec forum, especially if the reference implies negativity for the brand. Doing so becomes an open invitation for their users and unofficial representatives to engage in destructive and disruptive attacks to defend and promote their brand while denigrating Yuneec. Some of them have set up alerts for auto notifications when their brand is referenced in different forums. Unless moderators close the thread their activity will not abate.

Reading posts previous to mine would have provided reference to clarify the meaning of “other route”. Also helpful is being a little bit perceptive.
Interesting. All the owners including me that I know of with the issue seems to have had theirs from the very first batch. I wonder if the first batch had a problem?

Sigh. That was exactly the question I was asking about five pages ago, but @RGilmore was insistent that I shouldn't. It's not possible to support H520 owners if we can't track different versions of hardware and firmware.
To return to post # 289 and # 290, I remind you that I had spoken at the beginning of the Forum, the current platform (unless big changes) does not support peas, curves and panoramas and well 'other stuff. While we are not told these things when this system is not done for that. I'm even wondering how he'll put it on the H +, as it announces that it will be the same platform the H520. I think a lot of smoke has been thrown.
As a reminder, I give you the tables of what the different platforms can do or not.
First, the PX4 platform:
A Comand execution.jpg B Mission action.jpg C Wpts turn Types.jpg

And a mix of existing platforms:
1 Command .jpg 2 Actions.jpg 3 Turn Types.jpg

So do not be fooled by the dreams of the H520, but what is beautiful on the living room buffet!
I have just started a new thread to try and find out if the distorted image problem it related to a number of E90 cameras that were bought at a certain time. For example end of September to early October. Most of the users that have the issue seem to have bought their E90 at about that time. Lets try and pin down the problem if possible.

Imagine how much better a decision it would have been had they incorporated Pixhawk instead of PX4. The Spline flight mode would have been ideal for many mission types. I guess the desire to secure whatever new code they came up with over rode the customer’s need for versatility.
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yes very bad choice, but I think he wanted to create something other than the H. and ............ it's bad.
For me, this bird is useless, I can not use it for video reports, it can not follow.
For now, it is only used for fixed shots.

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