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Video stops recording/loss of signal

Aug 10, 2016
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Chicago, IL
I've been having 2 big issues lately which I hope anyone here can shed some light on. Both may be related.

#1 Video signal loss: Video signal feed seems to freeze quite a bit since the latest firmware update. It seems to play catch up then work fine, then have a freezing/buffering type effect on the ST-16.

#2 Video recording stops mid-record. I usually miss it which is frustrating, as I miss many great shots. I've had this happen multiple times recently where I hit the record button and after a few minutes the recording stops. I usually don't notice until I have already landed, which is too late, as I'm focused on flying or getting a nice shot.

Perhaps this isn't random but some other cause? Any thoughts? My antennas on the ST-16 are good. I'm stuck, as I keep having the issue.

1) When you see the video freeze it's because it has lost video feed and it's waiting to reconnect. Sometimes you will see it "catch up" which it does when it reconnects and the packets from the camera are sent rapidly to the controller. There are dozens of causes to lose video which you will see on numerous previous posts if you do a search. Since you think it started after the update, I would try to reinstall the update to see if that corrects the issue.

2) If the video recording is stopping on it's own, you need to track down the cause if possible.
Start by reformatting the sd card and make sure you are using a U3 card. That will be a U with a 3 in the center of the U. Also try a different card.
Then do some recording with the H sitting in the shop or kitchen table. Does it still stop on it's own?
Continue recording and tap the ST16 to see if you can get the video to stop.
If you can't find the cause then you will need to contact Yuneec for assistance.
1) When you see the video freeze it's because it has lost video feed and it's waiting to reconnect. Sometimes you will see it "catch up" which it does when it reconnects and the packets from the camera are sent rapidly to the controller. There are dozens of causes to lose video which you will see on numerous previous posts if you do a search. Since you think it started after the update, I would try to reinstall the update to see if that corrects the issue.

Thanks Steve, I'll try to reinstall to see what happens, couldn't hurt. It makes sense, just curious if anyone else experience this as well.

2) If the video recording is stopping on it's own, you need to track down the cause if possible.
Start by reformatting the sd card and make sure you are using a U3 card. That will be a U with a 3 in the center of the U. Also try a different card.
Then do some recording with the H sitting in the shop or kitchen table. Does it still stop on it's own?
Continue recording and tap the ST16 to see if you can get the video to stop.
If you can't find the cause then you will need to contact Yuneec for assistance.

Good call, I do have U3 SD cards, but will try to reformat. I reformatted these on a Mac, wonder if that screwed anything up with the exFat formatting. Sometimes Macs leave invisible files that could cause issues I suppose. I'll try on a PC.

Thank you for your quick response.
Update: I reformatted my cards. Result was that although the ST16 displayed that I was recording video, only some of my clips were recorded and a couple clips were not useable.

I have ordered new, high quality U3 cards for my next tests. I also re-updated my firmware on the controller and Typhoon H to be safe. More to come.
Update: I reformatted my cards. Result was that although the ST16 displayed that I was recording video, only some of my clips were recorded and a couple clips were not useable.
Brian I have the same problem as you and it started after I did this most recent firmware update please keep me posted since I am following this thread now. When I go out I have anywhere from 8-12 breaks in the recording and they are not the standard five minute breaks. This started after I did the last firmware update. Please keep this thread updated if you find the problem.
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Update - After the new cards and formatting using the ST16, instead of on the computer(not sure if that made a difference, actually, but I'm sticking to it) Videos have had no further issues recording. It seems that the ST16 erases/formats as Fat32, not ExFat. Also, not sure if that matters, but no problems since.
I have always had this problem. It also forgets camera settings when there is a disconnection. To be fair though for me the latest update has reduced this occurance to just now and again. Infuriating because always forget to check everything when also thinking of shooting a shot again.

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