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A huge thank you....

Jun 3, 2016
Reaction score
The Sunny Caribbean
......to each and every single one of you that has flown this beast and posted tips and tricks for us Yuneec newbs. I finally received my H today and I'm in love, but most of that is because stalking this forum prepared me to do every little detail of setting it up and getting it into the air safely. I was ready with the update and GUI ready to go, calibrated everything and up we went. Flew 3 times today and not a single hiccup, I owe it all to you guys!

Having a cold beer in your names.
Fly safe!
@Boomcaster LOL! You haven't been stalking the forum, you've been lurking. ;)

Totally agree with your assessment of this group. Outstanding IMHO!
Glad your flight went well, just want to make you aware I had problems on my 5th day flying, my typhoon decided to fly on its own accord and finally crashed, luckily not too much damage, that could have been a lot different though. Can't give advice on how to prevent it happening to others just to make you aware and if it does happen make sure you switch that home button ASAP. Have a great time flying and enjoy your beer. Ricky
Glad your flight went well, just want to make you aware I had problems on my 5th day flying, my typhoon decided to fly on its own accord and finally crashed, luckily not too much damage, that could have been a lot different though. Can't give advice on how to prevent it happening to others just to make you aware and if it does happen make sure you switch that home button ASAP. Have a great time flying and enjoy your beer. Ricky
No need to instill fear, your crash was probably one in thousands ! Now the guy is going to be looking for it to fly away, instead of making sure to monitor his "Flight To do's and settings" Most fly aways are do to not reading manuals, tips and understanding your new bird before using ! ( Not to say you didn't) !
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wecome to the forum boomcaster...glad you had a good flight and took the time to read the manual and ask questions....this is really a GREAT forum....the guys on here are friendly and ready to help(as long as your not a troll..lol).....
No need to instill fear, your crash was probably one in thousands ! Now the guy is going to be looking for it to fly away, instead of making sure to monitor his "Flight To do's and settings" Most fly aways are do to not reading manuals, tips and understanding your new bird before using ! ( Not to say you didn't) !

DC you are 100% correct lets wright about all the good times we have in this hobby , " fly it like you stole it " but play by the rules and have fun we only go around once and life is not a a dress rehearsal . on every forum people always trash the manufacture for problems with product the sell , if you don't like it don't buy it . last year it was the 4K this year the H , next year a new version of the H or something bigger and better with more and better technology , see it ,want it , buy it , we are all alike .
fly safe have fun

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