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Aftermarket antennae comparisons?

Jun 4, 2016
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
I find that in a completely open area the H has decent range. However if there are tall trees or other objects around that range decreases quite a bit. So I have seen several videos of different aftermarket antennae being used with the H but is there any comparison out there yet showing which is best? Specifically will any increase the range when obstacles are in the way (lots of tall pine trees where I live)?
Noticing that no one has answered you concerning your question about comparisons between ancillary antennae, I can offer you this: Run a search in this forum for that subject. It has been discussed many times and is still an ongoing debate.

Be prepared for some large amount of reading; it will take you a while, then decide if you are willing to invest in one. Lastly be aware that other third party vendors are in the development stage of entering the market place for the H antennas also.
Thanks for replying. Yeah I want to get one but there seem to be several options out there and no clear winner. I'll do some more reading.
None of the aftermarket antennas are going to help much unless they have a clear line to the Typhoon. Remember, we're talking wi-fi here and it needs a clear line from transmitter to drone.

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