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E50 / E90

I think we have gone well past the days where a curved horizon from an action cam is considered acceptable. At $1,200.00 to the buyer that should have been overcome. The E-90 is not an action cam an the 1" sensor implies they could do a little better than a security camera lens.
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Horizon appears natural. Interesting artifact at the very end that tracts with the shadow of the 520 as it descends and even before through the trees, a glowing orb effect.

I get that glow orb shadow with my 480 as well. Again, these videos are so amateur with bad angles and shadows in shots that I’m souring on the 520 and realizing I’m very happy with the 480.
Refractory.jpg I agree there are issues with the E90, but the images it can produce are much better than the CGO3+. I'm hoping the coming update will improve the camera in a similar way to changes to the CGO3+. In the meantime I'm adjusting images to correct the distortion. In this, the chimney was leaning, perhaps not as much as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but very noticeably.
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Horizon appears natural. Interesting artifact at the very end that tracts with the shadow of the 520 as it descends and even before through the trees, a glowing orb effect.
Horizon curvature distortion from some wide angle lenses is only noticeable when the horizon is above or below the middle of the view. The further from middle, the worse the distortion. Look at 8:47 in the Arruntus video above. Also check out any GoPro video. By comparison, the later Typhoon H CGO3+ cameras render a straight horizon no matter its position in the scene.

The glowing orb effect is a result of pointing the camera directly away from the sun. We see that on all cameras. I don't know what causes it, just that it happens.
Horizon curvature distortion from some wide angle lenses is only noticeable when the horizon is above or below the middle of the view. The further from middle, the worse the distortion. Look at 8:47 in the Arruntus video above. Also check out any GoPro video. By comparison, the later Typhoon H CGO3+ cameras render a straight horizon no matter its position in the scene.

The glowing orb effect is a result of pointing the camera directly away from the sun. We see that on all cameras. I don't know what causes it, just that it happens.
True, and in this respect, CGO3+ is better than the E90. I suspect the glowing orb results from materials perpedicular to the camera directly reflecting the Sun's light into the lens. When the material is to the side of the lens, it has to be slightly angled to reflect the Sun's light and that reduces the intensity of the light. It's difficult to explain. I find the effect distracting, rather like the shadow of the aircraft.
Well that explains it. Excited for my 520 and E90 to show up as it is my first consumer drone purchase. Have been flying our own builds since the HoverFly days and then to Pixhawk. The advances in drone technology since then is simply amazing. Very knowledgeable group here appreciate the information sharing. Back to the thread....
Well that explains it. Excited for my 520 and E90 to show up as it is my first consumer drone purchase. Have been flying our own builds since the HoverFly days and then to Pixhawk. The advances in drone technology since then is simply amazing. Very knowledgeable group here appreciate the information sharing. Back to the thread....

The 520 is not intended to be a "consumer drone".
Another from the UK! Very much learning how to use the Cyberlink PowerDirector.
Very nice.
Here's a trick I use all the time in PowerDirector (maybe too much). In the timeline, simply overlap the sequences about 1/2 second and select Crosfade. You automatically get a smooth blend between the scenes.
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Not that I have seen...

That pine tree too close... :confused:

I imagine you have everything updated and corrected? happened in all the cameras? Still a little confused by the fact that from the beginning people did and others did not.....
Not that I have seen...
Thanks for posting that. You have a wonderful place to live!
It's hard to judge uncorrected fisheye distortion from this video since there is no broad horizon near the top or bottom of the scene. You need a sweeping view, like you might see at the ocean or a flat plain.
Thanks for posting that. You have a wonderful place to live!
It's hard to judge uncorrected fisheye distortion from this video since there is no broad horizon near the top or bottom of the scene. You need a sweeping view, like you might see at the ocean or a flat plain.
I disagree, look at the distant horizon. Or, take my word for it, I have not seen any distortion in any of my videos. Look at the pipes on my roof, they are almost at the top of the frame, no distortion.

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