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Firmware Build 822 Just Released

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Sorry to say but this is where Yuneec is stepping in their cranks. There is absolutely no reason they cannot verify the efficacy of their firmware prior to a release and publish download notes to minimize user errors in updating.
I am glad that with Yuneec you can grab the firmware updates straight from the ST16S and have the option to perform a segmented upgrade.
With dji products since P4, this is no longer possible (on the P3 line you could download the firmware update from their site but it had to flash all-at-once) and I had (still do) many failed updates performed both with dji Go4 and Assistant 2 on the PC; the latest saga was with the latest Mavic Air .540 update which took many tries to install.
And I do not forget the dreaded .400 upgrade which rendered the machine unsafe to fly, plus that you cannot downgrade with dji drones.

I agree however with your statement, I would also like to download the update files from their site, too.
But I also like that the situation is not so bad like dji and that I can always downgrade/segment flash whatever I want.
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In reading through this thread I really don't see a lot of problems related to the firmware. Seems like a lot of folks have been doing the IMU calibration on a regular basis. I have never seen a recommendation to do so. I'm quite happy to not do it. I've never done it with the Plus. I did a compass cal today for the first time only because I was in a location I have never flown at with the Plus.
My personal rule for launch it setting the aircraft on a best guess level location, turn it on and don't touch it until it's fully booted and bound.

Think about all the Q, H, H Plus and H520 owners who are not members here and have virtually no outside advise. I suspect those birds have never had any calibrations and yet they fly. Most people come to these groups only after they have a problem. Most of those are lack of understanding rather than a fault with the equipment. Moving slowly, methodically and having a backup plan should make the process less traumatic.
Certainly, but there are 2 categories of users: leisure and work, those who can postpone their mission and others who can not. There may be a problem with an IMU or accelerometer for a lot of reason, especially because of the temperature. What to do in these cases? Return him to Yuneec as the NFZ and lose several days of work. If Yuneec only wants to sell to leisure users, it does not talk about professionals in their ads.
I wanted so much to add a C23 under my H480, as promised :rolleyes:
In reading through this thread I really don't see a lot of problems related to the firmware. Seems like a lot of folks have been doing the IMU calibration on a regular basis. I have never seen a recommendation to do so. I'm quite happy to not do it. I've never done it with the Plus. I did a compass cal today for the first time only because I was in a location I have never flown at with the Plus.
My personal rule for launch it setting the aircraft on a best guess level location, turn it on and don't touch it until it's fully booted and bound.

Think about all the Q, H, H Plus and H520 owners who are not members here and have virtually no outside advise. I suspect those birds have never had any calibrations and yet they fly. Most people come to these groups only after they have a problem. Most of those are lack of understanding rather than a fault with the equipment. Moving slowly, methodically and having a backup plan should make the process less traumatic.

The problem that I encounter and that I submit to other members is only for the moment a problem on the update, I found myself with a change of BUILD in the night without absolutely touching anything and my H More was off.
For the calibration problem it is when to specify and maybe not for the H Plus, it must be done at each update is in the manual of the H 520 that I also. So on the H 520 is better to do it and donations on the H Plus we can not do it anymore. For now I have always done as for the H520 with my H Plus and never had an accident with.
But today I do not want to break it because I can not do the Gyro and the accelerometer on my H Plus, once it is down is too late. This is only the problem I do not understand since this new update. To know that she had already been a reporter because of a problem, mail that I had received from Yuneec telling me not to do so because of the problem between BUILD 806 and BUILD 809.
Yuneec's answer in Germany that I just received by email.
I'm posting it to you with my message.
So it's natural to block submenus.
The new firmware version is therefore good.

Dear Mr.Defosse,

please do not worry, everything is fine.

The update was done correct and that is what counts, there will be internal changes from now one since the hidden menu is no under

security and correct, the answer is no we will not give any passwords.

It will protect you to select the wrong updates, there will be from now on several updates with a lot of changes.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best Regards

Ihr/Your Customer Support Team

YUNEEC Europe GmbH
Nikolaus-Otto-Straße 4
24568 Kaltenkirchen | Germany
For the calibration problem it is when to specify and maybe not for the H Plus, it must be done at each update is in the manual of the H 520 that I also. So on the H 520 is better to do it and donations on the H Plus we can not do it anymore. For now I have always done as for the H520 with my H Plus and never had an accident with.
I think they really have a problem of logic and managment
Yuneec's answer in Germany that I just received by email.
I'm posting it to you with my message.
So it's natural to block submenus.
The new firmware version is therefore good.

Dear Mr.Defosse,

please do not worry, everything is fine.

The update was done correct and that is what counts, there will be internal changes from now one since the hidden menu is no under

security and correct, the answer is no we will not give any passwords.

It will protect you to select the wrong updates, there will be from now on several updates with a lot of changes.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best Regards

Ihr/Your Customer Support Team

YUNEEC Europe GmbH
Nikolaus-Otto-Straße 4
24568 Kaltenkirchen | Germany

Reading the reply above I get the impression that the password was supposed to prevent users from getting to the Global OTA and the programmers blew it and blocked more than was intended. This is the same kind of thing that happens when you outsource a job and the communication of what was wanted was not made perfectly clear.
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Certainly, but there are 2 categories of users: leisure and work, those who can postpone their mission and others who can not. There may be a problem with an IMU or accelerometer for a lot of reason, especially because of the temperature. What to do in these cases? Return him to Yuneec as the NFZ and lose several days of work. If Yuneec only wants to sell to leisure users, it does not talk about professionals in their ads.
I wanted so much to add a C23 under my H480, as promised :rolleyes:
With my understanding, some equipment is required for calibration, otherwise maybe can't do it well(something maybe not work your expectation) and introduce risk. Safe fly is the most priority even for professional user.
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Since August of 2018 to-date I haven’t crashed, my TH Plus has not flown away, it flew on so many commercial missions, I have other drones, but I find my H+ to be a wonderful sUAS to operate, and on my recent compass relocation modification (as a customer, I shouldn’t have to do this) my Plus is 110% dependable, as an operator I diligently go through my op procedures, checklist, and review my flight logs...... What I thought is the key to my success are:

1) IMU/Accelerometer (this was strange to begin with because it is not covered in the manual, nor found in Yuneec tutorial page videos)
2) Gyro Calibration
3) RC Calibration (I rarely use, but check)

What I have digest so far is that, some of the functions in the hidden menu has no real parameter value to us consumers, because this page is for the Beta Testers, and they are setting the IMU and Gyro parameters in China or God knows where and packaging it along with the Build or the IMU can just somehow auto calibrate, without user inputs? This is very unacceptable, and cannot be done REGARDLESS! A 12yr old FPV drone racer can tell you that, because we calibrate according to our location, and condition.

@LinsonW and @10-8 today, I woke-up feeling less confident of flying my TH Plus, and I do not want to update regardless of the said build is the best and the greatest.

For sure, it depends where you fly.


Think about all the Q, H, H Plus and H520 owners who are not members here and have virtually no outside advise. I suspect those birds have never had any calibrations and yet they fly.

Don't under estimate the H520 owners, because if I am this anal about my H+ the H520 owners are as well.......... I don't fly because, I am influenced by my intuitions, excited because I have to take the cool "shot" or governed by little voices in my head or gut feeling. As a commercial pilot, my checklist, operation protocol, and field assessment that I go through daily is the key to my success, and these steps are learned from veteran operators, and steps are done religously. There is no such thing as luck in the commercial world.

Note to Yuneec... If the Heater is broken, do not fix the air-conditioner. Bring those important calibrators back! Make sure it works that we ordinary folks can take advantage in keeping our drone up and flying, and not just a placebo function for us consumers.
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With my understanding, some equipment is required for calibration, otherwise maybe can't do it well(something maybe not work your expectation) and introduce risk. Safe fly is the most priority even for professional user.

Some equipment? And may not work to our expectation? This is a Yuneec forum, is that you DJI Mindy? I am not new to beta testing, I am not popular during my days in the other camp either.... I am a brown skinned red neck! Get er' done!
Since August of 2018 to-date I haven’t crashed, my TH Plus has not flown away, it flew on so many commercial missions, I have other drones, but I find my H+ to be a wonderful sUAS to operate, and on my recent compass relocation modification (as a customer, I shouldn’t have to do this) my Plus is 110% dependable, as an operator I diligently go through my op procedures, checklist, and review my flight logs...... What I thought is the key to my success are:

1) IMU/Accelerometer (this was strange to begin with because it is not covered in the manual, nor found in Yuneec tutorial page videos)
2) Gyro Calibration
3) RC Calibration (I rarely use, but check)

What I have digest so far is that, some of the functions in the hidden menu has no real parameter value to us consumers, because this page is for the Beta Testers, and they are setting the IMU and Gyro parameters in China or God knows where and packaging it along with the Build or the IMU can just somehow auto calibrate, without user inputs? This is very unacceptable, and cannot be done REGARDLESS! A 12yr old FPV drone racer can tell you that, because we calibrate according to our location, and condition.

@LinsonW and @10-8 today, I woke-up feeling less confident of flying my TH Plus, and I do not want to update regardless of the said build is the best and the greatest.


Don't under estimate the H520 owners, because if I am this anal about my H+ the H520 owners are as well.......... I don't fly because, I am influenced by my intuitions, excited because I have to take the cool "shot" or governed by little voices in my head or gut feeling. As a commercial pilot, my checklist, operation protocol, and field assessment that I go through daily is the key to my success, and these steps are learned from veteran operators, and steps are done religously. There is no such thing as luck in the commercial world.

Note to Yuneec... If the Heater is broken, do not fix the air-conditioner. Bring those important calibrators back! Make sure it works that we ordinary folks can take advantage in keeping our drone up and flying, and not just a placebo function for us consumers.
You certainly should fly how you are most comfortable and the equipment that fits the mission. You have been flying a while and I have as well, building and flying since the 80s. All I can tell you is that some of the calibrations we used to have to do are not as required as they used to be. Old ways can be tough to change, but while I would suggest you update I also support you staying with the version you are comfortable with. But as you know, software updates are usually more about fixing issues and refining than new features.

You can always do your calibrations before the upgrade if it makes you feel better. IMU and Accel are not location specific or effected by the update. But either way, be safe and enjoy.
You certainly should fly how you are most comfortable and the equipment that fits the mission. You have been flying a while and I have as well, building and flying since the 80s. All I can tell you is that some of the calibrations we used to have to do are not as required as they used to be. Old ways can be tough to change, but while I would suggest you update I also support you staying with the version you are comfortable with. But as you know, software updates are usually more about fixing issues and refining than new features.

You can always do your calibrations before the upgrade if it makes you feel better. IMU and Accel are not location specific or effected by the update. But either way, be safe and enjoy.

I honestly do like your answer... We all have to vow to change, and I dig it. Copy and understood.
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I am ready to update and cut the umbilical cord with my beloved 784

Last night I was able to see the OTA FW 822 and now it’s gone.

If beta firmware is in the process of being worked on you should have your own URL to send each other data. Never post it on a Yuneec website or where ever it came from, that's totally irresponsible! Now there's lots of confusion, more like "crying wolf". What's real, what's not?
What needs to be know is, what is the latest none beta firmware update that "should be implemented.
If beta firmware is in the process of being worked on you should have your own URL to send each other data. Never post it on a Yuneec website or where ever it came from, that's totally irresponsible! Now there's lots of confusion, more like "crying wolf". What's real, what's not?
What needs to be know is, what is the latest none beta firmware update that "should be implemented.

Now that's what I call "Fly by night"!
...Maybe this is Yuneec's way of telling us "Oops! We fu(ked up!"?

Dude! I was actually excited to make the leap of faith and update, because I can’t let you have all the fun!
Dude! I was actually excited, because I can’t have you get all the fun!
Fun? This is fun? Please define your concept of fun. When I read back over this post I don't see anyone having fun with this 822 build. If this is fun, then I've had enough fun (like that's even possible) and I'm ready for something different. ?

Seriously though, if Yuneec pulled 822, what does that say about it?? What do they expect us guinea pigs who have installed it to do now? Is it possible this post stirred things up at Yuneec??
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Is it possible this post stirred things up at Yuneec??
I do not hope, otherwise, it means that he drives at sight, without control of their production, but that's a lot right now.
Fun? This is fun? Please define your concept of fun. When I read back over this post I don't see anyone having fun with this 822 build. If this is fun, then I've had enough fun (like that's even possible) and I'm ready for something different. ?

Seriously though, if Yuneec pulled 822, what does that say about it?? What do they expect us guinea pigs who have installed it to do now? Is it possible this post stirred things up at Yuneec??

Oooohhh. I’ve acquired a copy of the build. I will review it as soon as I get home. I’m feeling sentimental that I have to part with 784 if I like this build [emoji23] But I will defend my IMU argument and I know just the place to review the build.
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