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H520 flying


Premium Pilot
Aug 19, 2017
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Forgive me, I don't know if it's the right thing to do but a thread with the flying capabilities of the H520 I think is necessary and I think it's not created. If I'm wrong, please move it, Ray.

Yuneec H520 against strong wind

I didn't know the Beaufort scale. 8-9 are 75 km/h more or less

Beaufort Scale
I forgot to mention it, that box where it lands is the one that comes with the H520? Is it included? I want to see one unboxing......
Great demo by a top sUAV pilot.

Here's another extreme high wind comparison of the 520 and 2 DJI drones. This is not a new video, but now that the 520 is released it is perhaps of more interest.
Great demo by a top sUAV pilot.

Here's another extreme high wind comparison of the 520 and 2 DJI drones. This is not a new video, but now that the 520 is released it is perhaps of more interest.


I did a test with my quadcopter, which I did myself, being the wind sleeve with the 5 rings completely horizontal so minimum 25 knots (30mph or 50kmp). I didn't have an anemometer yet to tell the exact amount of wind I was doing, but it was very strong.

The battery that normally lasts 35 minutes was exhausted in just 8 minutes. With Arducopter and Pixhawk, a system very similar to the H520 has. He was able to give everything but not with as good results as the video shows. I haven't tried it again, it's too much money to play with fire (or rather with wind.......). I like the H520 more and more......

Very good video, thx :)
Since initial release the H has provided the best stability in wind of all the consumer drones. Great to see this capability continue with the 520. Having the ability to function when other systems cannot function with positional reliability provides companies with considerably more revenue generating capability. As demonstrated by the Phantom "blow away", being able to safely recover the aircraft adds a few more "plusses" to the equation.
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Seems like there's an embargo on footage coming straight from the new cameras. I'd love to see some 100mb 4k E90 footage that I can compare against my CG04 footage. I guess soon... huh?
Copy that. It's all about the camera. The aircraft is but a carriage for the optics and without optics the aircraft has little purpose. When a good aircraft is combined with effective optics and versatile software we end up with a good system.
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I once purchased a large hex for my DSLR where the manufacturer was slow in releasing meaningful footage, Regardless of months of attempting to tune the gimbal properly I finally gave up realising that stable footage was an impossibility and loosing thousands of dollars.. I will never make the same mistake again. Thus i hope we see some creative footage one of these days for those of us who want to produce creative content for telling stories.

Does the ST16s still have the glossy finish? It appeared to me in photos I've seen that it does. As for how my H does in the wind, my clients are continually "blown away" no pun intended by it's fantastic stability in high wind. That's one of the features I love most about it, that and the retracts and adjustable rotation speed of the camera is fantastic for making powerful immersive content.
I once purchased a large hex for my DSLR where the manufacturer was slow in releasing meaningful footage, Regardless of months of attempting to tune the gimbal properly I finally gave up realising that stable footage was an impossibility and loosing thousands of dollars.. I will never make the same mistake again. Thus i hope we see some creative footage one of these days for those of us who want to produce creative content for telling stories.

Does the ST16s still have the glossy finish? It appeared to me in photos I've seen that it does. As for how my H does in the wind, my clients are continually "blown away" no pun intended by it's fantastic stability in high wind. That's one of the features I love most about it, that and the retracts and adjustable rotation speed of the camera is fantastic for making powerful immersive content.

I think it is clear to all of us that the H520, despite being an evolution of the H480, is a completely new aircraft. It is essential to have contrasting opinions from buyers that prove it. It is true that many people will trust directly, given the experience of the previous model, and so those of us who are looking for concrete things can have an overview of the product thanks to their reviews. We are fortunate to have people in the forum who have tried it and helped develop it, which is a great advantage. Being a new model we have to see how it evolves, we have all seen how the Typhoon H by means of updates has aged stately.

We are talking about a system that costs between 4000 and 5000 dollars. Initially seeing the features and versatility that it has is not so expensive but is an expense that to realize it is advisable to think twice.

Keep in mind more than just the price, official support (it seems that they do it very well), features, community behind the product (this and other forums) and something that can make it a very powerful system, the SDK. That third parties can develop products to increase functionality I think it is certainly a success. We have already heard about the first application and we hope that many more will arrive......

The way I see it, we suffer from a lack of information. Initially the release I am no longer sure if it was on the 1st or yesterday at the fair. I think we're trying to make the launch quickly and after so many months of waiting now we have to wait a little longer for what looks like a lack of stock indicating that they've been working until the last day. I prefer to wait even a little longer to have a mature product. The changes have been very big and certainly for the better.

What's another couple of weeks of waiting to start seeing reviews? :p:p:p
As winter approaches here with the exception of flying it in Iceland where I will once again be working for two months I'm in no hurry to get a 520. Yuneec used my Iceland footage last year to promote the H from footage I shot in Iceland just 10 days after the original release. It has also been used to promote it thru Best Buy stores and by individual dealers. I also would rather have them release something ready for the market instead of a rush out the door with continual updates and fixes. The market seems to be stabilising a bit now so rushing it to market except for Xmas purchasing shouldn't be necessary. I quite honestly could care less about the cost if it delivers what has been touted...this is how I earn my living along with traditional video and photography so it's just another tool which has a relatively quick return. I'm afraid I've never seen or can't remember seeing many videos released by people who are offering input who participate but I would be curious to know how many of them actually do video and photography full time. I was an end user contacted by Yuneec after the fact for my Iceland footage to promote their last release, perhaps they don't have an adequate budget for promotion of the product choosing to spend it on R&D instead which is fine with me. However posting a precariously positioned 520 sideways on this forum indicates a level of amateurism which I think tremendously harms the brand when pitching to people who earn a living creating good video and photography. Thus far there seems to be a conscious marketing effort to promote this to the industrial / government sector with virtually nothing I've seen towards people like myself, photographers and videographers.

Tuning gimbals is the primary reason I changed from home builds to COTS products. Gimbals are often much to inconsistent in performance, and with retaining accurate tuning, to pour as much time and lost/delayed work into them as we have. For some reason putting a great hand held gimbal on a multirotor can instantly turn it into a turd without a clean end.


Some of us have been attached to the H for months prior to the initial release. Some of us even paid full price well in advance to assure we would have it in our hands early to explore it. That experience is part of what's holding back an order. Some of what is happening now is a repeat of history. Delay, delay, delay, lack of info from the manufacturer, shortage of ops instructions and manual, etc. At least for the H there was a guy out of Hong Kong that was posting a continuous series of videos shot from the H that permitted potential buyers to see the camera and gimbal performance, wind capability, flight agility, and speed for themselves. To repeat some of what was experienced with the H release baffles me.

The 520 certainly has potential, although the aircraft itself is not a big deal. You can build one any size you want, and using the right FC, have more operational features and ability to make use of various cloud programs while maintaining extreme reliability than you can shake a stick at. It's how whatever is hanging under, in front of, or on top of it works that makes it worthwhile. I'm hoping this one hits the mark but the performance info for everything involved required to educate buyers should have been on the street before the delivery date. I understand holding things back to prevent a competitor from under cutting you but there's a lot of people that helped get the H to where it is that deserved a little better in information exchange. Personally, I can fly anything so how it flies is no biggie as long as a reasonable stability level is present. What the optics can do by themselves and in combination with programming is what will cut the cake.
I'm waiting to promote the 520 to local government agencies along with training. How do I order this in advance?

Tuning gimbals is the primary reason I changed from home builds to COTS products. Gimbals are often much to inconsistent in performance, and with retaining accurate tuning, to pour as much time and lost/delayed work into them as we have. For some reason putting a great hand held gimbal on a multirotor can instantly turn it into a turd without a clean end.


Some of us have been attached to the H for months prior to the initial release. Some of us even paid full price well in advance to assure we would have it in our hands early to explore it. That experience is part of what's holding back an order. Some of what is happening now is a repeat of history. Delay, delay, delay, lack of info from the manufacturer, shortage of ops instructions and manual, etc. At least for the H there was a guy out of Hong Kong that was posting a continuous series of videos shot from the H that permitted potential buyers to see the camera and gimbal performance, wind capability, flight agility, and speed for themselves. To repeat some of what was experienced with the H release baffles me.

The 520 certainly has potential, although the aircraft itself is not a big deal. You can build one any size you want, and using the right FC, have more operational features and ability to make use of various cloud programs while maintaining extreme reliability than you can shake a stick at. It's how whatever is hanging under, in front of, or on top of it works that makes it worthwhile. I'm hoping this one hits the mark but the performance info for everything involved required to educate buyers should have been on the street before the delivery date. I understand holding things back to prevent a competitor from under cutting you but there's a lot of people that helped get the H to where it is that deserved a little better in information exchange. Personally, I can fly anything so how it flies is no biggie as long as a reasonable stability level is present. What the optics can do by themselves and in combination with programming is what will cut the cake.
Amen Pat...Plus 1
I posted my relationship with Yuneec to illustrate my support and what I've done to help the brand. I already own 3 H's. and I've supported the company in more ways than people are aware of. Including posting a video of how to change the lens of the original H. A couple months ago I posted something which was removed because I was making suggestions of why I was flying another brand currently. That post was later placed back on by someone who directs these forums. I hope those who are moderators comprehend that a product improves by suggestions for improvement and that censoring posts is not particularly useful to anyone except perhaps those who somehow benefit financially thru these forums. For me Yuneec is the most viable brand outside DJI and that is why I originally supported it because lets face it we need competition to improve products.
I hope those who are moderators comprehend that a product improves by suggestions for improvement and that censoring posts is not particularly useful to anyone except perhaps those who somehow benefit financially thru these forums. For me Yuneec is the most viable brand outside DJI and that is why I originally supported it because lets face it we need competition to improve products.

Totally agree, with the competition the most benefited are the users, the buyers. It doesn't have to be offensive to say that competition does better at this and that. On the contrary, it indicates that these points must be improved and new ones must be made. In little more than a year Yuneec has taken out another aircraft that has all the look of being much better than the previous model which says a lot about the company and the prices are not so crazy seeing how the competition moves, that is something to be thanked.

There has been a lot of talk about a smear campaign against Yuneec, in my opinion that means he is doing well.

Critiques should be taken as critiques, not as offenses. Respectful critiques are the best thing that can happen to a company if it aims to improve.
I posted my relationship with Yuneec to illustrate my support and what I've done to help the brand. I already own 3 H's. and I've supported the company in more ways than people are aware of. Including posting a video of how to change the lens of the original H. A couple months ago I posted something which was removed because I was making suggestions of why I was flying another brand currently. That post was later placed back on by someone who directs these forums. I hope those who are moderators comprehend that a product improves by suggestions for improvement and that censoring posts is not particularly useful to anyone except perhaps those who somehow benefit financially thru these forums. For me Yuneec is the most viable brand outside DJI and that is why I originally supported it because lets face it we need competition to improve products.

Your Iceland videos in the early days of the H might well have been the decision maker for a lot of people that had been sitting on the fence at the time. I know they generated a lot of consternation for the opposition's pitchmen on a different forum.
One of the things to realise here is that the nature of Yuneec (and indeed many of the other drone companies) has changed hugely over the last couple of years.

It used to be that a drone was a relatively closed system. The manufacturer would design it, and once the design was complete, send it out to the distributors for them to sell. Yuneec's structure reflects that - the distributors are fairly autonomous and things like marketing and so on are handled differently in each territory. Historically that worked pretty well, but now we're in a world of SDKs, modular systems and global competition, the cracks start to show.

I'm taking it as a good sign that they've brought in Dr. Jiang as the new CEO - and also that they're focussing on getting one sector right rather than trying to treat the H520 the way toy drone manufacturers do. Increasingly Yuneec need to be having a conversation with owners, rather than just releasing a generic product and leaving the rest to local representatives. It's clear that there is more to be done, but reassuring that they recognise that the industry is changing.

That said, it does seem that the camera options are the last to be finalised. I work alongside a company that develops high end video and telemetry systems so I know how much work goes into getting something like that market ready. The E90 is a very exciting device, so they've got to get it right. Hopefully it will perform and their new strategy will allow them to properly support videographers soon.

I'll admit I was braced for more underhand tactics from DJI - the Typhoon H launch was marred by some pretty nasty behaviour. Perhaps because this is being released as less of a consumer product though, we're not seeing quite the same levels of misdirection and trolling. That may change yet if the H520/E90 combination is as much of a threat to the Inspire as some of us are hoping.

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