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How Many Feel This Would Be Fair?

Under Warranty, Is Yuneec Responsible for Upgrades to Shortfalls ?

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Mar 2, 2016
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"IF" Yuneec comes out with a ST16+ ( with three antennas for boosting ranges) and starts selling the H with a on board 2.25" stub craft antenna , along with a better camera lens/ and /or sensor ? Before all us "pre-orderer's" and "first" buyers warranty expires :
Feel Yuneec should own up to upgrading us for "FREE" ? Whether replacement cameras/gimbal and ST16 replacement, whether it is a fair exchange, or sending us all a Mod Package to do or have done ourselves ?.
If done within 6 months of the receipt of each of "our" orders, I DO !
Cast You Vote ! And Listen Up Yuneec !!!;) :
I think they should offer something because deep down they know they cocked things up. Whoever buggered up/transformed the CGO3 basic camera into the CGO3+ has a lot to answer for as do all those in the product development chain who kidded themselves that the 'Improvement' was an improvement.
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They should. They won't, but they should.

They'll change the skew number and claim it's a natural evolution/next gen of the product and that will be the end of that (and us).

It's back to the same old basic premise. They already have our money.
They should. They won't, but they should.

They'll change the skew number and claim it's a natural evolution/next gen of the product and that will be the end of that (and us).

It's back to the same old basic premise. They already have our money.
I think you are correct ! But I like to lean a little on HOPE ! I have faith in you Yuneec !
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Add me to your list DC!
If we're the Guinea Pigs for them, ......with the dates promised constantly being changed, little or no Service for the ones that gave them their money when asked and got zilch, no.... And I mean NO supplies of anything here at least in Australia,
If that's us... We deserve it.. No question!
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there is no intention by them to do....if they tell me forget the idea of 3rd antenna because you not a pro user ....you don't use the intel bla bla bla...

but for that what we "advanced typhoon H Beta-Flyers" find out...and all that stress we have had, because the bird are full of issues... it would be fair we get an update for Free for ST16 3rd antenna and the named 98 Lens, which is named on US-Website...

why they haven't integrate the Flight-Data APP to The Flight Control with a map for Planning CCC without loose energy on our Flight-battery ?
wake up YUNEEC ! and stop irritating the Users and the Shops with false and everyday changing informations...
I think they should as well .

I guess if all else fails you could dispute the charge with your card company as a lemon/defective product .

Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
They owe you nothing...as products evolve regardless of timetable you should appreciate the companie's efforts to make a better product. No one held a gun to your head (perhaps a bad analogy right now in America) to be the first to buy an H in fact many of the same complainers were the one's who complained they weren't getting the original H out quickly enough. You should be pondering your own haste in desiring the first one off the assembly line knowing in this industry things can change overnight and be satisfied with your original decision. People who fly these things are the most unrealistic consumers I've ever encountered and I suspect have never develop a product. Go out and fly and enjoy and be thankful for what you have. Don't interpret this as saying the consumer shouldn't help development along but this sort of behavior slows the development process. Why can't you applaud Yuneec for their desire to improve the product?
They owe you nothing...as products evolve regardless of timetable you should appreciate the companie's efforts to make a better product. No one held a gun to your head (perhaps a bad analogy right now in America) to be the first to buy an H in fact many of the same complainers were the one's who complained they weren't getting the original H out quickly enough. You should be pondering your own haste in desiring the first one off the assembly line knowing in this industry things can change overnight and be satisfied with your original decision. People who fly these things are the most unrealistic consumers I've ever encountered and I suspect have never develop a product. Go out and fly and enjoy and be thankful for what you have. Don't interpret this as saying the consumer shouldn't help development along but this sort of behavior slows the development process. Why can't you applaud Yuneec for their desire to improve the product?
Absolutely wrong Mickey, I usually agree with you as you are usually spot on !
That is correct on a set product, but to have on my H box 100 mps for a camera that is only 50 mps, is false advertising ! I "AM" happy with my H, and it has nothing to do with being first to buy! It has to do with "Honor" and "Integrity" of advertising and specs ! It's not about evolving this product, but making it what it is advertised and spec'd to be!;):rolleyes::rolleyes:
Why can't you applaud Yuneec for their desire to improve the product?

because all the first birds didn't do what they have to do - they didn't work ! i have now bird no.3 ! and the 4. replacement of cam to get a normal sharp image... all that have needed about 5 weeks...and the system is still buggy. Loose telemetry. CCC don't start proper, no speed adjust... I use another antenna now for a stable connection. That the connections start is between 2- 5 min.... Slow flights with GPS not possible....Sorry...

I was excited that i get my first Typhoon H and wanted make a product - video with the shop, about the Tornado too.... but how if you have Trash in your hand..
i like the idea of Typhoon H but it must work how they offer ! and whats with a second controller? not available here in Germany !

so my opinion is they have to give the beta-Flyers a Thank You
Absolutely wrong Mickey, I usually agree with you as you are usually spot on !
That is correct on a set product, but to have on my H box 100 mps for a camera that is only 50 mps, is false advertising ! I "AM" happy with my H, and it has nothing to do with being first to buy! It has to do with "Honor" and "Integrity" of advertising and specs ! It's not about evolving this product, but making it what it is advertised and spec'd to be!;):rolleyes::rolleyes:
I agree they should have provided the product with what they claimed to be the specs but I also believe that people could have waited to see before they rushed to buy. Developing a product often results in instructions and other things being published before the product is finished (not an excuse but the reality of development) what I'm addressing is when I've read people think they are owed new controllers etc. just because Yuneec decided to change antenna design etc. This reminds me of GoPro's 4 blk whereby many features were touted which never came to fruition....like exposure control and locked exposure. I don't know of any other industry where Caveat emptor should be more applied....I learned the hard way by purchasing Align Multirotor products a couple years ago and lost thousands of dollars on completely worthless gimbals and hexes and the dealers also lost a tremendous amount of money and customer goodwill. That's the current "wild west" of drone development...so people should just be cautious and less anxious...I'm satisfied I got my $1299 out of the product because it's paid for itself many times over in just a couple months. I've come to learn unfortunately that in this industry because of the way I use the equipment I always have to buy the product because both manufacturers and reviewers are often looking out for their own interests just as consumers are. I can't see what it truly does until I own one and then I set about trying to improve it, changing lenses is a good example.
I agree they should have provided the product with what they claimed to be the specs but I also believe that people could have waited to see before they rushed to buy. Developing a product often results in instructions and other things being published before the product is finished (not an excuse but the reality of development) what I'm addressing is when I've read people think they are owed new controllers etc. just because Yuneec decided to change antenna design etc. This reminds me of GoPro's 4 blk whereby many features were touted which never came to fruition....like exposure control and locked exposure. I don't know of any other industry where Caveat emptor should be more applied....I learned the hard way by purchasing Align Multirotor products a couple years ago and lost thousands of dollars on completely worthless gimbals and hexes and the dealers also lost a tremendous amount of money and customer goodwill. That's the current "wild west" of drone development...so people should just be cautious and less anxious...I'm satisfied I got my $1299 out of the product because it's paid for itself many times over in just a couple months. I've come to learn unfortunately that in this industry because of the way I use the equipment I always have to buy the product because both manufacturers and reviewers are often looking out for their own interests just as consumers are. I can't see what it truly does until I own one and then I set about trying to improve it, changing lenses is a good example.
Agree Mickey, But they also advertised a range of 1.2 miles, and that is not doable without their mods, So Again, misleading information and adding an extra antenna onto the 16 and the body to make their promise is not early buyers faults and rushing out to buy a product that says it can do this and that, or has this and yet does not, Is not the Early buyers fault! . I have voiced my concern and statement, and now i am going to leave it alone! just hope Yuneec understands my points! Thanks Mickey, no pun intended towards you my friend !;)
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They owe you nothing...as products evolve regardless of timetable you should appreciate the companie's efforts to make a better product. No one held a gun to your head (perhaps a bad analogy right now in America) to be the first to buy an H in fact many of the same complainers were the one's who complained they weren't getting the original H out quickly enough. You should be pondering your own haste in desiring the first one off the assembly line knowing in this industry things can change overnight and be satisfied with your original decision. People who fly these things are the most unrealistic consumers I've ever encountered and I suspect have never develop a product. Go out and fly and enjoy and be thankful for what you have. Don't interpret this as saying the consumer shouldn't help development along but this sort of behavior slows the development process. Why can't you applaud Yuneec for their desire to improve the product?
I can only applaud a little, remember back in March a lot of pre-order guys like myself put down 1800$ for the H that was supposed to not only do the feats it performed at Las Vegas, but come with Realsense,Backpack, two batteries and such. What happen was Yuneec whittled most of all that away, one battery, no pack and a wizard nobody really wanted and also no real sense was our reward for being faithful and believing that Yuneec was going to deliver on our hard earned money. Come on guy,obviously you must have joined the H club late. I'm happy with what my H can do, I've had no issues that make me think what I got is substandard at all, but I feel that Yuneec is going to have to step up some. This product didn't EVOLVE as Yuneec promised.
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I think Yuneec should offer early buyers an option to upgrade parts at a subsidised rate. Meeting them halfway as it were. A gesture of goodwill would go a long way and restore a lot of faith without Yuneec being out of pocket.
Firmware updates obviously is a natural evolution of the product. However, if the camera pictures are blurry and defective/sub-standard, Yuneec should step up and fix it. I question if they owe us every improvement across the board, unless for example they discover the GPS is junk, IMO they should all be replaced (most can DIY something like that). If it is discovered the landing gear has a defect, it should be replaced if a new P/N (or version) is issued.

My pictures look ok close up, but have the blur at a distance. If I fix it and all is well, the warranty is voided should something mechanical go awry and I'm SOL. It may not be right after focusing it either, but no way to tell until trying to adjust it. If I send it in the copter is out of commission for 2+ weeks.

Crowd sourcing to say 100 testers for a month before final production would find a lot of these issues. A dedicated forum just for that purpose would prevent the mess we're in now. Instead Yuneec does not communicate issues via a forum similar to what DIY Drones did for a long time. Then Solo happened and 3DR lost their credibility because they decided to block out the community.

I'm 50/50, but may submit a PP claim if I decide to complain about the camera and Yuneec won't cooperate. Then I'm in 75% with DC on items that improve the product but don't cause crashes etc.

BTW, I hate typing on cell phones.
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I have never had any company come back and offer free upgrades to the newest options for free so I do not know why Yuneec should be doing it. The extra antenna looks like an easy mod to do yourself and I'm not sure why everyone is making such a big deal about that. I would assume any changes in the firmware for the controller you could put in the older ST16 but I could be wrong.
As for changes in the camera we really do not know what they are going to do. If the camera is really that much different you could always buy it but if it is just a lens change that can be done yourself.
The H air-frame itself have they talked about any changes?
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DroneClone you're the master of civility (except with B&H :) ) and it's nice to have a discussion with you regardless of how much we mutually agree upon....I hope the eagles are cooperating with you and that all is well in your neck of the woods...I had fun photographing a bat study a few days ago whereby they were netted and then the next day with transmitters we had placed on them the night before we tracked them to their roosts for a habitat study. Stay well and calm winds! I can't thnk of one drone company which has provided all the features prior to introduction that they said they would upon introduction. As for range...when I flew in Iceland I easily got that range, range of course is contingent on conditions.
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Firmware updates obviously is a natural evolution of the product. However, if the camera pictures are blurry and defective/sub-standard, Yuneec should step up and fix it. I question if they owe us every improvement across the board, unless for example they discover the GPS is junk, IMO they should all be replaced (most can DIY something like that). If it is discovered the landing gear has a defect, it should be replaced if a new P/N (or version) is issued.

My pictures look ok close up, but have the blur at a distance. If I fix it and all is well, the warranty is voided should something mechanical go awry and I'm SOL. It may not be right after focusing it either, but no way to tell until trying to adjust it. If I send it in the copter is out of commission for 2+ weeks.

Crowd sourcing to say 100 testers for a month before final production would find a lot of these issues. A dedicated forum just for that purpose would prevent the mess we're in now. Instead Yuneec does not communicate issues via a forum similar to what DIY Drones did for a long time. Then Solo happened and 3DR lost their credibility because they decided to block out the community.

I'm 50/50, but may submit a PP claim if I decide to complain about the camera and Yuneec won't cooperate. Then I'm in 75% with DC on items that improve the product but don't cause crashes etc.

BTW, I hate typing on cell phones.

I do agree with you on this, if something is defective like the camera focus or the GPS sucks then yes they should replace it, but if they are just making general upgrades I do not think those should be rolled back for free.

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