Not sure if this counts as a mod, but after mistakenly ordering a CGO3 mount instead of the CGO3+ I had to made some tweaks to make it compatible.
Some of you may find it weird that I just didn't sent it back in exchange for the appropriate part but there's a good reason for that:
The reason: I mistakenly ordered the part online (which is very cheap) but there's no suppliers here in Mexico, so the shipping cost was more than double the cost of the part itself, also the shipping took waaay too long to consider sending it back and wait for the return and then add the extra shipping costs.
They're based on the same mold, but with a few key differences:
1) The most obvious is the single contact orifice, which not only implies the hole itself, but also a different structure on the back in order to fit the larger back cover that holds the contact board in place.
2) 3rd screw thread is obviusly in a different position because of the size of the back cover so the most difficult part was to move the small piece with the thread to its correct position, also carefully glued using black epoxy and let harden overnight
3) The mount "legs" are shorter, and in turn the rubber dampers are longer to compensate (therefore softer and jigglier) and there are no security plastic pins. Using original CGO3+ dampers is not possible because they're shorter and the bottom of the gimbal motor makes contact with the mount.
So I removed the extra lenght from each "leg" from the broken CGO3+ mount (which is clearly visible since the "extention" has a different shiny finish rather than matte, so no need to measure) to transplant them to the new CGO3 mount.
4) Before installing the "extentions" to the new mount, the bottom of the "legs" of the recipient had to be removed to be able to properly fit the original CGO3+ rubber dampers.
5) Once all the "legs" where completely bottomless carefully install the "extentions" from old mount to the new one using some nice black epoxy glue.
Once everything was in place, I let it cure for a whole day before attempting to reinstall, once everything is back in place the mount cover hides everything, and its completely invisible, the shorter railing also fits perfectly, it slides all the way back until its secured just like its supposed to be.
So as you can see, it is not "modded" per se, but the CGO3 mount had to be custom fit for the CGO3+
I know most of you would've just ordered the right mout but I didn't want to spend on more shipping costs and wait for another week and a half for it to arrive. Also I don't mind doing this kind of work on a replacable part