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New Drone, new camera? ION L1 Pro For Yuneec H3

I’m new to drones (~3 years) and I’m not interested in the commercial aspects.

In that I believe you have a leg up on most people. You’re not trying to find out “who you are” or what you want to do because those are well established. It might now be more about how you want to go about what you do.
In that I believe you have a leg up on most people. You’re not trying to find out “who you are” or what you want to do because those are well established. It might now be more about how you want to go about what you do.

You’re correct. My most important interests haven’t changed much in the last 50 years. Photography has been a passion for more than 50 years and I learned from Ansel Adams that all photos are manipulated. Some more than others.

For some people photography should be close to documentary while others seek artistic expression. There is no right or wrong use of photography. All is in the eye of the beholder.

I used to fly RC sailplanes and launch rockets. Drones seem awesome to me in that they are platforms for cameras and generally stable flyers.

I’m a retired geek who no longer seeks income and is free to pursue my interests.
Wow, this thread is astonishing. The level of detailed discussion on photography (drones or ground) really is amazing.

As I’ve stated earlier in the thread, I’m excited for the H3 with the new camera. I am going to take a serious look at purchasing it.
Isn't this basically an H+ with a different camera?
That's what it looks like to me. I purchased a THPlus with Intelsense in July (albeit from Germany, as I couldn't find one in the UK a the time) and it looks identical. So to me, this just looks like a new camera fitted onto the existing THP aircraft. That said, I'd be interested in the Leica, if it's available as a retrofit.
That's what it looks like to me. I purchased a THPlus with Intelsense in July (albeit from Germany, as I couldn't find one in the UK a the time) and it looks identical. So to me, this just looks like a new camera fitted onto the existing THP aircraft. That said, I'd be interested in the Leica, if it's available as a retrofit.
It was claimed it was retrofit to the H plus in the CEO interview, but perhaps it was lost in translation, the same was claimed with the C23 and H480 compatibility.
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I did not see this posted previously. From the Yuneec.com website for the H3.

left-to-right : BW, Normal, Vivid, WDR

Taking a quick look, a) sharp corner to corner. b) anti-aliasing on the roof is noticeable c) looks like slower shutter speed, 1/60th perhaps d) colors a subtle, not overblown e) WDR mode hmm, post processing mode.

Thinking about them : sharpness is impressive. Best I have seen in a drone (CGO3, C23, Mavic 2 Pro). Sharpness as good as my Fujifilm X100F, but perhaps not colors.

Close crop I found impressive :

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What are you video's used for?
Do you require the maximum you can get for your videos with regards to dynamic range, color, etc.?
How do you process your video?

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Photography has been a passion for more than 50 years and I learned from Ansel Adams that all photos are manipulated. Some more than others.

People have no idea how much Agfa Grade 4 he used, Zone System and all... :)
View attachment 18984View attachment 18985View attachment 18986View attachment 18987
I did not see this posted previously. From the Yuneec.com website for the H3.

left-to-right : BW, Normal, Vivid, WDR

Taking a quick look, a) sharp corner to corner. b) anti-aliasing on the roof is noticeable c) looks like slower shutter speed, 1/60th perhaps d) colors a subtle, not overblown e) WDR mode hmm, post processing mode.

Thinking about them : sharpness is impressive. Best I have seen in a drone (CGO3, C23, Mavic 2 Pro). Sharpness as good as my Fujifilm X100F, but perhaps not colors.

Close crop I found impressive :

View attachment 18990

Very impressive, Young Skywalker...

Based on the previous history of JPGs from the C23, my question is... original in-camera JPGs or JPGs generated from original DNGs?? Enquiring minds want to know!
Very impressive, Young Skywalker...

Based on the previous history of JPGs from the C23, my question is... original in-camera JPGs or JPGs generated from original DNGs?? Enquiring minds want to know!

Thank you Obi One.
Hardly young. I shot Leica proffesionly for several years when Leica was That Good. But my God, I would trade all that equipment for a simple Fuji X-100 that surpasses all that percieved glory of Leica back then. I somewhat agree with the other voices here that a quality Sony, Fugi, Panasonic could be a better solution. But, given I have my old M3, M4 stuffed into a closet I will go back to Yuneec for this. That LEICA nameplate just resonates with me. Early spring hopefully.
Speaking of wanting to know :

1) Does the hyperlapse interfere with the video feed? DJI does. That is a game stopper to me if the video transmission is interrupted as I capture images.
2) what is the resolution of the hyperlapse?
3) does taking a photo in any resolution cause the video to black out as the H Plus does? That ultimately caused me to sell my H Plus as I can't fly with a blacked out screen for a couple seconds as I capture an image: moving tripod vs. still tripod.
4) are there other photo capture modes such as 1/2 second, 1 second, etc., at the high-resolution?

Basically I see these photo drones as a moving camera to capture moving subjects. It's not like in my motocross days and politician sessions that the subject will come to you again and again. Here, I need to catch up to that sea otter or kayaker and move with them.
Most information is only on paper speculation and press releases, probably needs an unbiased review to fully reveal it's strengths and weaknesses, or the first adopters will soon vocal their concerns or praises on here in the next few months.
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Seeing Pre orders on vertigo drones website, has anyone preordered?
Do you have a delivery / availability date? Just curious...
Autel just got FCC OK for new drone, it's everything and more than what the H3 should have been. Google "Autel FCC"...more features than DJI Mavic Pro 2 as well. Still camera produced over 100 meg. file , 8K video... 1inch sensor, compact, multiple sensors on sides and top and bottom.
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Autel just got FCC OK for new drone, it's everything and more than what the H3 should have been. Google "Autel FCC"...more features than DJI Mavic Pro 2 as well. Still camera produced over 100 meg. file , 8K video... 1inch sensor, compact, multiple sensors on sides and top and bottom.
Things always look good on paper, mouthwatering features, state of the art etc, I wouldn't buy on impulse personally, I would wait for it's strengths and weaknesses to come to light, some have invested in the Typhoon platform and probably get good results, moving to another system may not be attractive, or financially possible, I can see some who have had enough or are well off, and of course new customers giving it try maybe.
The H3 doesn't even look good on paper given what others are offering. Yuneec is always too late and too little. I've never bought on impulse and everything I've purchased has paid for itself as I assess it's capability and what I need. More and more I need portability and good sensors...both lacking critically on Yuneec products. I've also been quite unimpressed with Yuneec's continual rollover of personnel and constant reshuffling of other aspects of their company. This comes from dealing personally with many of them when they used my photos and video to promote H and H+ which I shot in Iceland. I don't know what you do with your drone but I can't lug camera gear and a Yuneec to the locations I typically work at and almost 50 years of experience doing photography has helped me to recognize winners from losers when it comes to equipment. www.michaelkienitz.com

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