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New Drone, new camera? ION L1 Pro For Yuneec H3

The H3 doesn't even look good on paper given what others are offering. Yuneec is always too late and too little. I've never bought on impulse and everything I've purchased has paid for itself as I assess it's capability and what I need. More and more I need portability and good sensors...both lacking critically on Yuneec products. I've also been quite unimpressed with Yuneec's continual rollover of personnel and constant reshuffling of other aspects of their company. This comes from dealing personally with many of them when they used my photos and video to promote H and H+ which I shot in Iceland. I don't know what you do with your drone but I can't lug camera gear and a Yuneec to the locations I typically work at and almost 50 years of experience doing photography has helped me to recognize winners from losers when it comes to equipment. www.michaelkienitz.com
Fair enough, only 40 years experience for me, not really considering a H3 but I'll say never say never, I've become use to using heavy equipment, and I regard the the Nikon D3s/D4s and D5 as workhorses, with 300mm 2.8 and 500mm f4 then they are heavy, even a D5 with a 24/70mm 2.8 is big and some might say cumbersome, but I remember lugging around 6x7 MF cameras and this to me is better. The H in any form, is no comparison to those DSLR lens combinations, having big hands those pro bodies fit nicely, it's personal preference at the end of the day, I've walked with a Typhoon h backpack and D4s 500mm in a Tamrac anvil bag, it's not ideal, certainly not something I want to do a lot of, I may have a solution, my daughters are getting interested in photography, so I may have some unpaid helpers on the horizon!
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Dang, 90 years between the both of you. I only have 10, but were fun. Not very profitable. This is the last of my film kits, looks a lot better without all the moto-cross mud on it. You can see why the H3 with the Leica is very appealing to me.

(The late Senator Ted Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy, and lot of moto-cross stars had images from this kit)

Thinking about it, Leica was always about minimalism with super quite shutters and typically unseen photographers (David Douglas Dunkan) unlike the Nikon whirring motors and photographers in combat fatigues in with three bodies clanging. I guess nothing like a 520mm drone whirring to announce you today ..
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what can be envisaged in the future light NPC,
it is the huge advanced image processing of smartphones, we will no longer talk about lenses, full frame sensor, but a system very light, space-saving and that will make sublime photos and videos. All defects, treatments, correction, will be managed by one or more giant processors, with embedded GB of ram.
The result will be blufant ... Yes, I started the photo more than 40 years ago ...
what can be envisaged in the future light NPC,
it is the huge advanced image processing of smartphones, we will no longer talk about lenses, full frame sensor, but a system very light, space-saving and that will make sublime photos and videos. All defects, treatments, correction, will be managed by one or more giant processors, with embedded GB of ram.
The result will be blufant ... Yes, I started the photo more than 40 years ago ...
I'll stick with the present, I like to have some input into my photography, next you wont have to live your house you can produce a completely CGI picture, well you can do that now, not for me yet or in the future. Photography for me should be enjoyable.
Yea well, now the H3 is out and running in europe and yuneec the company is bankrupt in the states i kind of feel like you should be the one with the humble pie!
Looks like a few are going to have to eat humble pie!
But then again they said C23 was going to be available for the H480 too!
Yea well, now the H3 is out and running in europe and yuneec the company is bankrupt in the states i kind of feel like you should be the one with the humble pie!
So you are saying with the H3 out in Europe, that the L1 Ion camera is available for the H+ and H520 and being supported by new firmware and software on both?
Ehm no you got my wrong, that was my point to Mrgs1 who at the time said that yuneec would prob do all the things we said they missed because there CEO said so in a interview. and mrgs1 said that people who where sceptical about this "should eat a humble pie". so no i still think YUNEEC made a mistake by not updating the plus to its potential.
So you are saying with the H3 out in Europe, that the L1 Ion camera is available for the H+ and H520 and being supported by new firmware and software on both?
Ehm no you got my wrong, that was my point to Mrgs1 who at the time said that yuneec would prob do all the things we said they missed because there CEO said so in a interview. and mrgs1 said that people who where sceptical about this "should eat a humble pie". so no i still think YUNEEC made a mistake by not updating the plus to its potential.
All clear now! I actually hope the H3 works out and Yuneec can get back on firm ground. Unfortunately past performance since the loss of the founder of Yuneec has paved a road of broken promises and mistrust. It’s leaders need to learn the lesson of customer satisfaction. Since Mr. Yu’s departure that lesson has been lost.
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Yes i do also hope that yuneec wil get there sh#t back togather, dispite feeling a bit cheated by the company i still think the H is a fantastic platform, i think that if they where to R&D some more they could/should be as big or more close to DJI. Like a H that is quick to set up with fold up props or so.. or a mini H to compete with the mavic mini.
A mini hex is a cool idea, but keeping weight under 250g with six motors is asking a lot. My son builds sub 250g FPV drones and we have discussed that very topic. You could build one, but it would lack many features people rely on.
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Ehm no you got my wrong, that was my point to Mrgs1 who at the time said that yuneec would prob do all the things we said they missed because there CEO said so in a interview. and mrgs1 said that people who where sceptical about this "should eat a humble pie". so no i still think YUNEEC made a mistake by not updating the plus to its potential.
Since you don't know me, I'm afraid you got the quote wrong, it was said in jest, some sarcasm I'm afraid, there was nothing serious, it was a joke, since Yuneec have rarely followed up on any promise, If you read previous comments, I've said I'm not interested in a H3.
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In 1914, one man played a major role in revolutionizing the world of photography. Many innovations later the company, whose success the developments of Oscar Barnack had made a major contribution to, stands like no other for absolute top quality and state-of-the-art camera technology „Made in Germany“: The Leica Camera AG.

In 1999, people all over the world had the dream of flying - also in China. And so the first remote-controlled electric aircraft was developed that anyone could easily launch, fly and land. Around 250 patents later, the resulting company stands for a transparent and flexible open source architecture with high security, reliability and intuitive operation of professional multicopter: Yuneec.

In 2019, Yuneec and Leica take a big, joint step together and bring the best of their respective worlds together to bring Leica photography to the skies - with the new Typhoon H3 and the ION L1 Pro camera co-engineered with Leica. For unlimited perspectives and new, creative possibilities.

Typhoon H3 with ION L1 Pro camera co-engineered with Leica, ST16S remote control, battery (2 pcs.), charger, neck strap for ST16S, optional patch antenna, SD card, power and USB cable

$ 2,199View attachment 18531View attachment 18532
Wait a minute. I thought was was a funeral for Yuneec USA already. What's the point in buying a great drone/ Leica camera with no support?
Haha oke im sorry, i was just a bit bored by the C19 lockout so i was reading the older post's and feld like giving a response to yours, no insult Intended.
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The one problem I see with any hex is that the front rotors are hard to keep out of the camera's view. Some of the newest quads have the front rotors spread far enough apart that they don't show up, even when looking up at 45-deg. For that reason, I'm warming up to the idea of a quad. How many of us have taken advantage of the 5-rotor feature? Not me (yet)...
If I am going to go with a quad, I'll wait a bit longer to pop for a Evo II Pro... their claim of 35-40 minute flight time may finally give everyone the 25 minutes we have all been looking for. ;)

As a photographer, I will want to see what they define as "Dynamic 48 MP Stills". Of course, I have posted many times that the resolution numbers alone, do not encompass the several simultaneous factors that define "image quality". Obviously, an adjustable aperture is big deal.

6K or 8K video? Currently that does give you some post production cropping flexibility, as many clients still do not need 4K, much less 8K.
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The one problem I see with any hex is that the front rotors are hard to keep out of the camera's view. Some of the newest quads have the front rotors spread far enough apart that they don't show up, even when looking up at 45-deg. For that reason, I'm warming up to the idea of a quad. How many of us have taken advantage of the 5-rotor feature? Not me (yet)...
There seems to some, look at YouTube etc, "H attacked by a bird" or they've 'collided with an object" just extra insurance in case, like a manual handbrake on a car, it's there just in case the footbrake fails.
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