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NIB Typhoon H

Contrary to what some have written, there have been some small physical updates to the H, including redesigned (slightly braced) landing gear and smaller landing "bumpers" on the skids. But for the most part, it's pretty much the same bird we all have. I have a very early release model and it still flies great today, no problems. Just take good care of it and the remote and learn to fly it.

By the "(slightly braced) landing gear" do you mean the small "things" that are parallel to the inside of the landing gear legs?
The small tubes that parallel the landing gear (when extended) - do house the antenna on later models. On the early ones the antenna was just under a sticker on the body.

The small tubes that parallel the landing gear (when extended) - do house the antenna on later models. On the early ones the antenna was just under a sticker on the body.


Funny, my suspicions were right. So I guess I do have a recent unit. That is the first picture I have ever seen of those antennas on the web, where did it come from?
I just did a search and found it. Lots of pics with this configuration are out there. When I bought my H back in March the description pic showed this, as well as the three antenna ST 16.

Yeah, mine is almost a year old. When I replaced the landing gear I got these as replacements. My ST-16 has only 2 antennas. I’m considering having Carolina Dronz replace the ST-16 antennas with the ITELITE rig. I also replaced the camera dampers after a mishap.
I ordered these Yuneec Typhoon H Drone Battery to Charger Adapter with Balance Leads and they came today. They are very well made and impressive looking. I first charged both batteries at a 1C rate of 5.4A. I then discharged both to 3.3V. I have IChargers. The capacity read 6300mah. I am confused as the battery is labeled 5400 mah. I also noted previously that the stock charger took longer to charge and I estimate it is charging at .75C. Any thoughts?
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The rating of the stock battery being labeled as 5400 Mah has been discussed quite a bit but I've not seen definitive proof either way whether it is 5400, 6300 or somewhere in between. When compared with aftermarket batteries such as the Ultrax 6300, they seem to have very similar performance, almost identical actually.
I charged them back up and they did put in 6300 mah, so they are in fact 6300 mah and I will charge and treat them as so. So that would mean the stock charger actually charges at around .5C
I am trying to download the Controller Firmware, I keep getting "This page can’t be displayed" I downloaded the Drone Firmware without a problem. I was hoping to get this all updated tonight.
I have owned my H for several months now and love it. Every time I have flown it, there have been no problems. I did take a lot of time to print out the manual and read it thoroughly. Also made diligent use of the manual provided in this excellent forum. I never made any firmware upgrades and really don't care to unless there is one that fixes a known, serious problem or provides a cutting edge new must-have feature. My biggest challenge now is to become proficient in all the available features/functions of the H , then transfer my video into something a person would want to watch using Cyberlink Producer. If anyone out there has any tips for how to use this editing software, I am all ears.

Beyond that, wishing you all Happy Holidays however you celebrate!!
If you had b27 firmware you gained pretty much nothing by updating to b30. It will land a little slower and take off seems to occur at two power stages now. The first a little and the second a lot more. It also seems to me the aircraft is a little less agile with the b30. For the most part b30 was written to "de-tune" the H as many newbies bought one and found it was more than they could handle.

If you put 6300ma into a battery it had to have been pretty much dead flat and probably would not accept a charge. Yuneec ships their batteries at a voltage level higher than a normal storage level. If you charge your batteries at a 6A rate you'll be fine despite the 5400ma label. You can probably go as high as a 6.3A rate. Many do.

The two short downward facing tubes exiting the bottom of the aircraft are antenna tubes, not antennas. The 2.4GHz antennas (two in quantity) still exit the bottom of the aircraft and now run inside two hollow plastic tubes. The original version of the H Standard employed just the two wire antennas exiting the bottom of the fuselage without anything protecting them. More often than not one of them would have been run under one of the warning labels. Those that understand 2.4GHz RC knew that antenna needed to be freed from the label for the best propagation. The two exit tubes were a feature originally found on the Typhoon H Pro, as was the three antenna transmitter. The H Standard came with a two antenna transmitter. If you want dipole antennas you'll need to buy a kit and install them, or have them installed. They really don't make much of a difference. I have an H with them and one without them.

Yes, you can watch the videos that are on the SD card on the ST-16 but the card will need to be inserted into the SD-16 to do so. I suggest you transfer those video and test files to a new folder that you'll make in the ST-16 to assure you retain them. Save that SD card. Set it aside and use it only for firmware upgrades. Buy a 32gig to 64gig card for your video and photo recording. Make sure the card has a write speed of at least 95Mb/s.

Hopefully you will not be depending on the ST-16 to review your videos. The video stored in the ST-16 is degraded to 720P and over written as the temporary folder they are stored in become full. Read the documentation and you may find in it the number of videos and photos that can be stored in the temporary folder is limited in quantity. The SD card will have the good video and if you play it in the ST-16 you will not generate any better than 720P resolution. You must play the card files in another device if you want to view 1080 or 4k video.

Stop worrying yourself into a panic. The H is a great machine and treats those people well that take the time to read instructions, review videos, and follow directions. Get the calibrations done, charge the batteries, go to a wide open space, and fly it around in Angle mode. Learn the controls and ST-16 screen navigation. Learn where the voltage, GPS, and distance indicators and and get used to looking at them periodically. Don't fly down to a low battery warning, land at or before 14.4v at the aircraft battery. They'll last longer that way. You don't have to do everything possible to do on the first flight. Those that try that are the ones that run into things or drive it into the ground. Understand the H does not have any "anti crash into the ground" protection devices. If you elect to fly fast and low with the gear up you most certainly can rip the camera off if you go too low. Aside from that warning there's not much to worry about. If you've flown camera rigs before you'll find the H to be more agile than most. Yes, it can twitch a little when departing a hover but you'll never see the results of that in the video. The gimbal is too good and counters that just fine. If you are inexperienced, take things slow and stay close until you have your act together. Now go fly and have fun. Remember, no hurry, no worry.
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Thanks for the replies. I have one bad battery, it's cells are way off. After charging, then discharging, then balance charging the highest one is 4.35V and lowest 4.15V. If I hadn't checked on my ICharger I never would have known.
If you put 6300ma into a battery it had to have been pretty much dead flat and probably would not accept a charge. Yuneec ships their batteries at a voltage level higher than a normal storage level. If you charge your batteries at a 6A rate you'll be fine despite the 5400ma label. You can probably go as high as a 6.3A rate.

I discharged with my ICharger down to 3.3V per cell, not exactly "dead flat". It will always accept a charge at that level.
On the Yuneec Website is describes the RealSense system:

"RealSense integrates with Follow Me mode to avoid objects while filming in any direction. The Intel[emoji768] RealSense[emoji769] R200 camera with Intel[emoji768] Atom[emoji769] powered module builds a 3D model of the world, allowing you to focus on the subject without worrying about flying into obstacles."

Does this mean it only works when using Follow Me mode?


After you get comfortable flying your H, you can then try your own “experiments” using real sense.

You will discover how RS works and that it is not limited to follow me mode. It is meant to alert a pilot of impending danger and will do so with beeps via the controller. Only when the craft is traveling forward (important point). Side to side and reverse motion protection is NOT provided.

There are other discussions about the operation and use of real sense. Search and learn is rarely a bad thing.

Good luck and welcome to the H family!

Thanks for the reply, I don't have the RealSense, but I may get it in the future. If it can be used in any mode that is good, If it can only be used in one direction that is bad.
Thanks for the replies. I have one bad battery, it's cells are way off. After charging, then discharging, then balance charging the highest one is 4.35V and lowest 4.15V. If I hadn't checked on my ICharger I never would have known.

Good catch, you would not have found that with the stock charger. The ultra short flight time with an “off” cell is what they do. In trying to bring back a couple of 2.5 year old 7000ma 6s packs that indicated out of balance cells, one would not fully charge while the other did. After charging, one cell was still 0.2v under the rest. It lasted all of 30 seconds before voltage dropped to dangerous levels.

As yours are new call Yuneec for a replacement.

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