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Tip Over, now stuck in 5 Motor Mode

Nov 29, 2017
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I was performing a landing today. She a drifting a little bit, so I used the button method. About 1 ft off the ground, I held the red button down, and she landed, but tipped over before the motors shut off. Broke two props, and went into 5 motor mode. Now, the motor located at front left (11:00 position) won't start. The motor feels exactly like the others when spun by hand with the drone off. When the motors are not armed, I feel the same resistance as the other motors.

Is there some kind of reset that has to be done when something like this happens? I don't see anything broken on the arm or the wiring inside the arm.
Hook it up to the gui. You should be able to get a little more info on what is causing that issue. Just make sure to have your props removed when you run the test
Hook it up to the gui. You should be able to get a little more info on what is causing that issue. Just make sure to have your props removed when you run the test
That motor will not spin during the GUI motor test. I get a strange beeping from the TH, descending beep tones, then 7 beeps at the lowest tone.

I think I have a problem.
Sounds like an ESC was damaged during the roll over, and time to call Yuneec. Just how violent was that event?

Looking to the future, experiencing a “drift” during a landing is a bad time to cut motors. Better to climb back up a little and try for a more stable approach to land normally.
Sounds like an ESC was damaged during the roll over, and time to call Yuneec. Just how violent was that event?

Looking to the future, experiencing a “drift” during a landing is a bad time to cut motors. Better to climb back up a little and try for a more stable approach to land normally.
It was just a tip over, and the motor shut down after one or two turns in contact with the pavement. I will definitely do hand catch only from now on.

I thought there is a central esc board that controls all of the motors. The other five work fine. I guess esc damage is possible.

Yuneec CS really isn’t a viable option for me. I bought the unit from a private seller on eBay, so they told me they can’t provide a warranty. I will have to take it to a local repair shop so that I don’t have to wait several months and pay shipping. Funny thing is that the led is working on the motor, so there is power to the motor. Also, when the motors arm, this one motor moves ever so slightly, almost like it is jammed. But, it spins freely like the other motors when turned off. Maybe a broken wire somewhere.
I'd suggest sending it to CarolinaDronz... they'll have it back to you in a month, and they have competent repair technicians that are familiar with the Typhoon H.

IMHO, while hand catching with an emphasis on safety is an important skill to practice and acquire, it should not be your primary landing method, but your last of the three options... after a standard landing or a red button landing.

The H employs a board that integrates power distribution, ESC’s, and flight control as a single assembly. There are 6 ESC’s on it and each can be damaged individually.

Since you bought via eBay you have 3 great repair locations to choose from, but as you noted no warranty coverage. A damaged ESC or motor due to roll over would not, IMHO, qualify for warranty replacement anyway. Such an event would qualify as crash damage. Look to CarolinaDronz, Terrestrial Imaging, or Vertigo Drones to get it fixed.

IMHO, while hand catching with an emphasis on safety is an important skill to practice and acquire, it should not be your primary landing method, but your last of the three options... after a standard landing or a red button landing.
I would agree although, personally, I don't do the red button landing. I've gotten pretty good at landing the H480 with standard ground landings...although I say it myself. Far easier to have a good ground landing with the H480 than the Phantom, for example. However, there are situations that a hand catch is preferred by me if I'm flying from very rough ground...long grass...steep slope. These occasions (with the H480) are in the minority since I try to select my landing area (and take off point) with some forethought.

On the other hand, I tend to hand catch my Phantom far more often since it's landing gear has a smaller footprint and so is more likely to tip over.
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I would agree although, personally, I don't do the red button landing. I've gotten pretty good at landing the H480 with standard ground landings...although I say it myself. Far easier to have a good ground landing with the H480 than the Phantom, for example. However, there are situations that a hand catch is preferred by me if I'm flying from very rough ground...long grass...steep slope. These occasions (with the H480) are in the minority since I try to select my landing area (and take off point) with some forethought.

On the other hand, I tend to hand catch my Phantom far more often since it's landing gear has a smaller footprint and so is more likely to tip over.

I prefer to catch due to less risk of damage. This drone is very stable and it's an easy catch.
I am use to catching RC aircraft, I have been hand catching my gliders for over 20 years now. A hovering stable drone with long sticks for landing gear to grab is no problem.
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I started the RC side of the hobby with gliders, thermal and slope. They were vastly more challenging to hand catch than a multirotor, and they didn’t hover.
I was performing a landing today. She a drifting a little bit, so I used the button method. About 1 ft off the ground, I held the red button down, and she landed, but tipped over before the motors shut off. Broke two props, and went into 5 motor mode. Now, the motor located at front left (11:00 position) won't start. The motor feels exactly like the others when spun by hand with the drone off. When the motors are not armed, I feel the same resistance as the other motors.

Is there some kind of reset that has to be done when something like this happens? I don't see anything broken on the arm or the wiring inside the arm.

Buy a mainboard on eBay and changed it. You can buy for about 50 €.
I prefer to catch due to less risk of damage. This drone is very stable and it's an easy catch.
I am use to catching RC aircraft, I have been hand catching my gliders for over 20 years now. A hovering stable drone with long sticks for landing gear to grab is no problem.
I agree. Hand catching the H480 is dead easy but it still remains a second option for me and I only tend to do it when it's necessary. I've got the ground landings down to a fine art now. I wish I could land mt Phantom on the ground as well as my H480.

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