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Windows App???

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Feb 16, 2017
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Does anyone know why there's a Windows app you can download from Yuneec that pretends to allow you to reset the geofence?

I got very excited about being able to modify the altitude ceiling and distance range only to find out that the setting has no effect whatsoever.
Quite a few people have posted here reporting that the limits have been fixed with the new firmware. See this thread.
My ST16's on it's way back from the shop, so I haven't had a chance to test it personally.
Which version of the firmware do you have?
I believe the aircraft firmware is 3.01_A and the ST16 firmware is 3.1.27.

I downloaded the app (v1.1.8) at the same time I downloaded the firmware, so I expected them to be compatible.
Make sure you are in advanced mode
I'm not sure what that could mean.

I'm in whatever mode allows me to change the geo-fencing. The app both allows me to do so and retains the information. The problem is that it has no effect on the flight of the aircraft. It gives the sense one experiences when pressing a cross-walk button. You know it isn't going to affect the traffic lights, but is somehow feels good to pretend you have some control.

I have checked out the thread posted by @prathbun and it appears that there are newer versions since my last update. Perhaps I will try them.

I'm always reticent to update firmware when everything seems to be running ok. One of the things I like most about the Yuneec is the fact that you aren't held hostage every time there's a firmware update (like other manufacturers who use a 3-letter acronym for a name). My P3 committed Seppuku after a firmware update and I couldn't the company to take responsibility.

Frankly, if the only advantage to an update is getting to modify the height restrictions, I'll pass. I don't need to fly above 390'; I just don't like not having the choice.
Didnt even know there was any yuneec apps available for the H well except for the CGO3's and a couple 3rd party. Curious where you found it and what does it do?
Didnt even know there was any yuneec apps available for the H well except for the CGO3's and a couple 3rd party. Curious where you found it and what does it do?

I believe the discussion is about the GUI that you use to connect directly to the aircraft.
I've used it to change the altitude limit and it works fine
I believe the discussion is about the GUI that you use to connect directly to the aircraft.

Precisely. It's something we are instructed to download from the Yuneec site in the quick start guide and instructional videos on the SD card.
I believe the aircraft firmware is 3.01_A and the ST16 firmware is 3.1.27.

You need the ST16 3.01.B30, and the H 3.03 with G- 1.25, A- 1.34, and cam- 3.2.34 from Yuneec website.

After you get the new firmware installed, all rebound and new versions showing installed, re-cal the Accelerometer. The other cals are not really necessary.

Then do the GUI again, and now when you reset the max height (I set mine to 300 meters) it will take in the TH.
I just tried to download the Typhoon GUI application & my virus scanner blocked it twice. It appears to be infected with a real old virus - Sality - which can apparently really screw things up once the application is opened.

I'll send Yuneec a message but considering they haven't responded to one I sent a couple of weeks ago about a product I'm not holding my breath.
I just tried to download the Typhoon GUI application & my virus scanner blocked it twice. It appears to be infected with a real old virus - Sality - which can apparently really screw things up once the application is opened.

I'll send Yuneec a message but considering they haven't responded to one I sent a couple of weeks ago about a product I'm not holding my breath.

I got this reply from Yuneec Customer Service (It's a false positive)
Hello John,

Thank you for contacting Yuneec! Rest assured that the file hosted on the US website is not infected, but that this is the result of your anti-malware software being protective about an executable on the Internet. This warning has come for a few users throughout time, but the file has never been changed and its MD5 security checksum remains the same. You may safely download this file and install it. If your anti-malware software prevents installation, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the setup file.
  2. Disconnect from all Internet sources
  3. Disable your anti-malware program.
  4. Install the GUI program.
  5. Re-enable your anti-malware program.
  6. Reconnect to the Internet
If we can assist you with anything else, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Customer Service | Yuneec USA
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