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Are you waiting on the Typhoon H Pro?

May 7, 2016
Reaction score
Gurdon, Ar
Are we waiting to see if the Pro has the same problems? Will the new TH pro owners have their own part of this site, like the 500 owners ,+and 4K,are broken down to? Will Yuneec address all of our little quirks with TH? Questions, questions, questions will they all be answered? We are on a holding, wait and see pattern eh? This release has proven the quality of QC at the factory is almost nonexistent. We'll see how this is handled, like I have said before "The Chinese don't understand customer first". This is an American concept. Wait and see. Hate me, like me. What will we talk about? Fly safe.
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Yes I ordered four months ago. Until now there is only a problem? It has not arrived yet, and nobody knows with 100% certainty how when it comes.
Why? I've never needed/had object detection in the past 25 years of RC flights. Why should I need it now? Neat tech. From a practicality and safety standpoint, I shouldn't need it. If I do, I'm not flying safely IMHO.
Why? I've never needed/had object detection in the past 25 years of RC flights. Why should I need it now? Neat tech. From a practicality and safety standpoint, I shouldn't need it. If I do, I'm not flying safely IMHO.

It just opens up more possibilities for freehand aerial photography for outdoor adventures. Say a police start chasing you, you can throw it up in the air and it will follow the pursuit, and if they catch you and beat you up it will hover over and video tape everything and then follow you to jail if you are still alive. Ok, ok, it is a joke.

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