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CCC mode with the H+

"Studio144", I use my Typhoon H480 for a year and a half without problems, and I use CCC mode without problems with the H480, but the method of use for the H Plus is different !
The method you explain applies to the H480, we know it, but the method for the CCC mode of H Plus is not explained !
Everyone gives their version of use, I did tests and just once I got to start the CCC mode with the H Plus !
A success by chance ! A German youtubeur also gave me his method, he managed to make the CCC with the H Plus !
Will keep that in mind. So far there are three known members with Plus's that have tried to execute a CCC without success. I would also Note that after not being able to fly CCC I thought I would try another flight mode such as Follow me; this after minutes of flight 17 sats on the bird, 8 on the controller and I got a message that said something to the effect of; 'not enough sats for positioning, normal flight mode returned' :rolleyes:

So that is two of the modes non-functioning.
Make that four now. I tried today. Went through both batteries trying to get it to work. No joy. First I thought it was me doing something wrong. My Q500 doesn't have this feature so this is a new one for me (bought the H Plus this past Friday). I prefer flying manual, but if the feature exists, it needs to work! Even if you just want to "play" with it.
I am thinking (hoping) by now Yuneec knows of these bugs and will get them fixed in a future firmware update.
Well, if they didn't... they do now. I just sent them an email (@ [email protected] ) and explained the matter. I also mentioned in the most kindly manner as I know how that their manual for the H Plus is terrible. We'll see what kind of response I receive.
Oh, btw, I shot the Oviedo fire tower for H Plus practice this morning. Lol!
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Well if everyone knew about it, it wouldn't be much of a secret, would it? :rolleyes:
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Well, if they didn't... they do now. I just sent them an email (@ [email protected] ) and explained the matter. I also mentioned in the most kindly manner as I know how that their manual for the H Plus is terrible. We'll see what kind of response I receive.
Oh, btw, I shot the Oviedo fire tower for H Plus practice this morning. Lol!

Welcome to the forum, you'll want to read a lot of the posts in this forum regarding the H Plus; as this is a far greater resource for learning and understanding than the Typical Yuneec manual (well known to be lacking) will ever be. ;) Also, I wouldn't hold your breathe waiting for a response through email, but you might get one.

I haven't been back to the tower with the Plus yet, hope to sometime.
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This morning, I tried again to use this CCC mode !
After these tests, the result is simple: the CCC mode is unusable with the camera !
If you do not have a little power with the proportional control wheel (the right wheel, called hare / turtle), the drone does not start its programmed course !
If you put some power with this wheel, then the drone will start its CCC mission, but it will move very quickly and you will not have time to maneuver the camera to film !
When it has started, you can not adjust the speed of movement.
If you try to start the mission with the low power wheel, then the drone will not start, it will stay still !
So this CCC mode is not usable with the camera !
But it works !
So make this CCC mode work without being able to maneuver the camera, this is a very useless mode Mr. Yuneec !
The speed can be controlled with the Left throttle stick once it enters forward flight path (throttle stick up) or Reverse flight path (throttle stick down) and resume in adjusting the speed via throttle stick.

Camera movements can be achieved via right stick. Set the gimbal mode (switch located in the center top corner of the controller, down) and control the camera left, right, up and down.
Yuneec’s CCC is far superior than Litchi, wishing that it has a flight hub to pre-plan waypoint missions by adjusting variable settings prior to flight.
I have been using CCC mode with the Typhoon H480 for a year and a half.
But since this summer, I can not use this mode with the Typhoon H Plus !
I'm waiting to see a video of someone who manages to use the H Plus at a reduced speed !
I wrote some while back about my Typh. H +, (earlier this past summer) stating that the CCC has bigtime issues. Sometimes it works for me, mostly … it doesn't. I update every chance I get and check for updates on a regular basis. No updates so far have changed anything. When it does work, it tends to only fly the course backward. Pushing the left stick up (after "next" "start") has no affect. I've also tried the "running start" some have mentioned. Hasn't anyone talked to Yuneec about this yet? I'm not seeing anyone mention how they are explaining it. I think that's a very important and useful function and I'm not happy to pay this money and not have everything functioning as advertised.
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I wrote some while back about my Typh. H +, (earlier this past summer) stating that the CCC has bigtime issues. Sometimes it works for me, mostly … it doesn't. I update every chance I get and check for updates on a regular basis. No updates so far have changed anything. When it does work, it tends to only fly the course backward. Pushing the left stick up (after "next" "start") has no affect. I've also tried the "running start" some have mentioned. Hasn't anyone talked to Yuneec about this yet? I'm not seeing anyone mention how they are explaining it. I think that's a very important and useful function and I'm not happy to pay this money and not have everything functioning as advertised.

I feel you, man. Have you tried reinstalling the build?
I just got an answer from a German Youtuber, he told me to push the throttle for a few moments, then the drone goes to waypoint # 1 of the mission !

How'd that work for you. Doesn't work for me but maybe once every fourth or fifth time.
I gave up testing with the CCC mode on the Typhoon H Plus !
Using this mode is too random on the H Plus !
When the C23 camera will be usable on the Typhoon H480, I will be able to use this CCC mode as I have always done successfully on the Typhoon H.
Yuneec’s CCC is far superior than Litchi, wishing that it has a flight hub to pre-plan waypoint missions by adjusting variable settings prior to flight.

Parrot's Waypoint "Flight Plan" app is wonderful. You can plan the whole route (waypoints, points of interest, altitude, speed, even camera angle) from your recliner in your living room on your phone or iPad, using what is essentially Google Maps. The GPS flights with Parrot never fail. You start it and let it go, it flies to all the points in the right order, (as you planned it) and always returns, even if losing the connection. I was flying the Bebop2 and it's not the drone the Typhoon H + is (considerably cheaper too) but I sure miss that Parrot app's features. Flying the route first (with Yuneec) uses up unnecessary battery and time. Also, with Parrot, you can adjust, delete routes, save, etc. without ever having to turn your drone or controller on. I suppose it is copyrights are keeping these drone companies from sharing the technology as they look for feature advantages that will get more money and give tools you can't get anywhere else.
Forgive me for not reading every word in this thread but I just want to point out 2 things to fellow pilots having a few issues with CCC

1, after flying and setting the waypoints you have to save the route, call it whatever you want. Then press Start then move the left joystick fully to the top to fly the mission forward or fully down to fly it backwards. Wherever you have set the camera at each waypoint it will go point in that direction.

2, if you want to fly the route but have manual control of the camera you need to have the camera switch next to the turn gimble knob all the way down. Then the right stick will control the camera gimble while the bird flies the route. NOT the gimble knob.

Here’s also my tutorial on CCC.

Hope this helps.
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No, I've not seen this one but I've seen another and I'm doing it as described in this video and having it work maybe a third of the time. Sometimes it'll fly backward and not forward. No predicting.
No, I've not seen this one but I've seen another and I'm doing it as described in this video and having it work maybe a third of the time. Sometimes it'll fly backward and not forward. No predicting.

I Am on build 777 and it works perfectly every time. So I’m not quite sure why yours does not.

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