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Customizing an H (480) ??


May 26, 2016
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Warwickshire, (not very near London), England
I just wondered if anybody has attempted to customise their H? I'm considering buying a used boy only and replacing the arms and legs with longer ones... And then that would open up a new camera gamble perhaps? Go on, shoot me down, tell me I'm crazy, tell me I'm nut's, I can take it! :)

No more than thought at the moment!...

Would love to see if anybody has customised their H in any way at all??
You would need to mod the arms, cables, probably also need to look at longer landing struts and arms as well, extra weight would be added, not sure how it would affect the stability.....still interesting.
I'm covered for insurance for any drone as i have commercial insurance but i wouldn't claim. Extending the landing gear is the easiest part of all as they're just carbon fibre tubes with no cables in them. I actually strapped a sony bridge camera on to the existing legs of it to see if it would fly a while ago. It flew perfectly which i wasn't ecpecting at all. It just reduced the flight time down, thats all.
You could modify with longer arms and such. Stability likely would not be a problem since most FC's have more built in flexibility that most realize. To play with changes in payloads you run into compatibility with system firm and software. If the new payload does not use what Yuneec uses you're pretty much dead in the water unless you added a control system for the payload. Now you dealing with the additional weight of the payload and payload control system plus the weight added by extending the arms and wiring, so flight time will be reduced. You could use a larger battery but those add even more weight so much of the additional battery capacity is wasted through the system having to produce more RPM/power to lift the extra weight. The motors themselves are relatively high kV and unless the propeller size is increased (to 11-4's probably) they really aren't capable of lifting much more than they already do. Of course if you change prop size you'll have to develop a mount for them to fit the existing motors. APC makes pretty effective 11-4 multirotor props. To get more out of the motors and make effective use of the props you would need to increase the cell count of the battery, from 4s to 5s or 6s, and I don't know the existing ESC's are rated for any more than 4s. If they are not you would burn out the ESC's as soon as you armed the motors and started to spin them with the higher voltage battery. Has this become a lot more complicated than you expected yet?

Candidly, if you want to try this kind of stuff pick up a Tarot 680 frame, a Pixhawk or X2 FC, and initiate some research to select props, motors, and ESC's based upon the weight you want to carry. From there research gimbals and gimbal controllers suitable for the types of payload you want to use. It's not as simple as just tossing longer arms and a few other hard parts at an existing consumer drone airframe. Modding such an airframe will end up a pretty expensive experiment, one likely destined to failure. But if you have money to burn....
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Pretty darn near a cheaper alternative. By the time I finished a Tarot 810 I had better than $3500.00 in it, and LOTS of time and labor.
I would be interested in hearing if anyone has put a different camera on it - Sony rx100 for example
Better to ask if anyone has written new code that allows Sony software to interface with Yuneec code. Changing hardware is easy, having a different camera that works through Yuneec's command and control firm/software is not. Not to mention the compatibility to work with the video broadcast medium.
I was thinking of using a separate video transmitter, connex or lightbridge but taking the power of the Typhoon.
Sure, why not? Add the weight of additional equipment, reducing flight time, then draw power for the additional equipment from the flight battery, reducing flight time further.

Makes sense to me...
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