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Just imagine "They're not making any more H props"

Yep, still waiting on my four batteries that are on order. Looks like they are starting to show up now though.
Very limited flying time with one battery...grrr
Someone awhile back mentioned Samy's Camera has batteries and I bought 4 and got them within 3 days. I'm in CA. That was a few weeks ago so not sure if they still have stock.
Ordered from B&H when they had a special but still waiting like most everyone else who ordered from them I guess.
I don't know about any of the rest of you, but that's the way I'm treating my propellers. Then again my approach has been assisted, flying time is limited because, oh yes, I ONLY HAVE 1 ****ING BATTERY!
Hi Chris. These props are a one of. Yuneec will need to stop making quads and Hexs. It'll be ok you will be able to get them.
I don't know about any of the rest of you, but that's the way I'm treating my propellers. Then again my approach has been assisted, flying time is limited because, oh yes, I ONLY HAVE 1 ****ING BATTERY!
Laura at Copter Source on here has them !;) But USA !
I don't know about any of the rest of you, but that's the way I'm treating my propellers. Then again my approach has been assisted, flying time is limited because, oh yes, I ONLY HAVE 1 ****ING BATTERY!

I don't think any of us is out to deliberately break our props, but s#%t happens like smart mode. :(:mad::eek:
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