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Trees and antenna interference

For some that satisfaction is greater than others[emoji106]. 12 minutes was a reasonable battery duration.
using the stock antennas .. square one works much better if you get flat side to face drone. round one i get you can use too but i have found at least %25 -%35 less than Square stock antenna.[/QUOT

I took the typhoon H out for spin with the square center and Kenna on it. ItIt seemed to do a little better as far as no signal loss or breaking up on the st16 controller screen. I could not tell what percentage it was though.
I will continue to fly with the square one on. Thanks again.
sorry two battery kypom for tarot fy 680 for 40 minutes
and one kypom 8000 4s 90c for my tarot model 35 minutes tmotor 400kv
The rig he is flying will accept batteries of many sizes and ratings. It also employs connectors meeting a common industry standard. In short, he has wide discretion in size, brand, and capacity for his battery selections. His aircraft could easily fit a 20,000mA, 6S battery but it would be very difficult to lift it. In a manner of speaking his flight times are similar to comparing apples and oranges as the wide selection of batteries available to him for the Tarot are not remotely possible for the H without significant modification of the aircraft to accept a larger capacity battery.
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The rig he is flying will accept batteries of many sizes snd ratings. It also employs connectors meeting a common industry standard. In short, he has wide discretion in the size, brand, and capacity in his battery selections. His aircraft could easily fit a 20,000mA, 6S battery but it would be very difficult to lift it. In a manner of speaking his flight times are similar to comparing apples and oranges as the wide selection of batteries available to him for the Tarot are not remotely possible for the H without significant modification of the aircraft to accept a larger capacity battery.

I guess I'm missing something here.
Or maybe I could not explain myself clearly.. I was just wondering if the manufacturer of the zypom battery
Makes one it will fit directly into the typhoon H 480 without modifications thank you PAT
Hi I have the H with 3 antennas and Real sense... Can anyone give a reliable answer to maximum distance before signal loss.. assuming LOS of course, and good weather conditions.
Hi I have the H with 3 antennas and Real sense... Can anyone give a reliable answer to maximum distance before signal loss.. assuming LOS of course, and good weather conditions.
Hi I have the H with 3 antennas and Real sense... Can anyone give a reliable answer to maximum distance before signal loss.. assuming LOS of course, and good weather conditions.
My experience has been between 800 and 1200 ft
As far as I know, Itelite increases unobstructed range, not increased signal through an obstruction. I believe this is a function of the frequency of the wireless signals we use, both in control and video. Other wavelengths such as gamma rays, pass through obstructions quite effortlessly.

Plus using gamma rays would give us the quite interesting side effect of becoming The Hulk!!! :D
Plus using gamma rays would give us the quite interesting side effect of becoming The Hulk!!! :D

I think the real solution lies with quantum entanglement. Or if you prefer Einstein’s label, "spooky action at a distance".
Keith, I’m not following how Tesla’s work and inventions apply to communications. Perhaps, I’m just thinking too literally. Something my wife tells me all the time. ;)
Keith, I’m not following how Tesla’s work and inventions apply to communications. Perhaps, I’m just thinking too literally. Something my wife tells me all the time. ;)

Keith, I’m not following how Tesla’s work and inventions apply to communications. Perhaps, I’m just thinking too literally. Something my wife tells me all the time. ;)
There's a movie coming out about Edison and Tesla is called current Wars. Is being held up though because of the one producer who had some problems.
Check out the trailer on YouTube it really looks good
Since somebody mentioned batteries. I have a question I wonder if somebody can answer this please.
Yuneec is sending me another typhoon H camera battery and props,
Because I had a fly away and it was under warranty.
how will I be able to tell if the battery is brand new or slightly used or whatever ?
also how would I tell if the Drone was refurbished or brand new or done over with used parts ?
Thanks Keith Kuhn
My referb had 3 log entries of attempts to start, but no flight time.
When trees are in full bloom and your flying at 125 ft to 200 feet high and your at ground level, at a distance of 800 feet out and the screen on your controller starts breaking up with stock antennas.
Does anyone know of other antennas that can alleviate this problem ?
You bet, you can get a range ext from 4 hawks or itelite plus if you go onto ebay and type in wifi 5.8 a wifi range ext pops up. I've had great success with both antenna mods for remote and aircraft
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I have a few drones and my Mavic Pro is my best long distance one is still hit hard by trees . In the open without trees I can get over 4 miles and have a good live feed on my screen . Out in the bush with tree cover the range has been as low as 1800 feet . So I don’t think much will help if there is heavy tree cover .

Wow for my that's incredible
And what about the best batteries for long distance use you on the typhoon batteries new origins it is 17 minutes of flight

It's always funny to me.
We get the typhoon H then we can't wait to see how far it goes.
But we are still not happy. We want it took no further. Maybe this is just man we are always pushing the limits.
Keith Kuhn

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