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Will the Typhoon H be dropped?

Jan 13, 2017
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Since the 520 is almost here, prices on the H have come down.... I wonder if the H will be dropped altogether or an updated version released. Also I heard Yuneec has two more new drones coming out soon too.

And if the H remains will it get the revised interface for the ST16 like on the 520? or any other refreshes for current H owners?

Just wanted to start some chatter and see what others opinions are...
Since the 520 is almost here, prices on the H have come down.... I wonder if the H will be dropped altogether or an updated version released. Also I heard Yuneec has two more new drones coming out soon too.
And if the H remains will it get the revised interface for the ST16 like on the 520? or any other refreshes for current H owners?
Just wanted to start some chatter and see what others opinions are...
The same question was asked over a year ago when the H was being release. A lot of people thought that would be the end of the Q500. Instead, the Q still has strong sales numbers and good support.
Don't look for much in the way of future changes to the H or the ST16. At some point the firmware will be modified to accept the E50 camera but that may be several months after the H520 is released.
It sounds like the 520 is using more current and faster processors which would make the H upgrade to its specs impossible. It's not being marketed as an H plus but it's own new proprietary platform for the commercial market. The H is considered a Hobby craft that many of us have been able to pull off pretty pro looking results with. I'm very hopeful that the 520 provides a solid path to a reliable commercial drone that makes sense for the growing inspection and production drone market. It seems they are being very slow and deliberate in this release as they won't get a second chance in the pro field if the launch has issues. Unlike the hobby community, the commercial operators know each other as they are either friends or competitors and won't be very forgiving if there are problems. Yuneec must get this roll out right as they hopefully learned from their mistakes with the H.
Why would a maker want to limit their sales to only those with a lot of money? The H has proven itself to be a very flexible platform for those that take the time to learn it. The relatively low price point makes it affordable for those that can't or don't want to spend a lot more. You don't need to have top of the line stuff when the end product will never be better than the person producing it. The majority of people produce average product regardless of the quality level of the camera. Most of what they do looks just fine. Those that know what they are doing produce superior product with even an average camera.
It sounds like the 520 is using more current and faster processors which would make the H upgrade to its specs impossible. It's not being marketed as an H plus but it's own new proprietary platform for the commercial market. The H is considered a Hobby craft that many of us have been able to pull off pretty pro looking results with. I'm very hopeful that the 520 provides a solid path to a reliable commercial drone that makes sense for the growing inspection and production drone market. It seems they are being very slow and deliberate in this release as they won't get a second chance in the pro field if the launch has issues. Unlike the hobby community, the commercial operators know each other as they are either friends or competitors and won't be very forgiving if there are problems. Yuneec must get this roll out right as they hopefully learned from their mistakes with the H.
Exactly right on all points. Add to that a complete and usable owners manual that is precise and and less ambiguous.
I doubt it will be dropped, will it happen, probably a long ways down the road but as long as there is an interest in it than they would be morons to drop it just because they have another drone coming onto the market. Thats like for example, Ford stop making the F150 truck just because they came out with the F250 truck.
I think the H has allot more life in it yet. Indeed, I think the H still has a swath of un-tapped potential particularly on the release of the SDK and the promise of a firmware update to account for the E50 camera down the line. Coupled with that is the fact that the H is still Yuneec's premier consumer level aircraft that has also been productively employed by the commercial user (the 520 is primarily aimed at the commercial market) it seems clear to me that until Yuneec develops a successor to the H480 that falls into the same niche as the H480, they would be fools to drop it.
Even with the 520 coming out, I think the H will still have a place in the market, I know I will continue to use mine for the work we do. I look forward to seeing what the new hardware on the 520 can do, and while I understand why Yuneec wants to keep the 520 in a class by itself among its own fleet; if they don't make a better camera available to current Typhoon users, that could set up a scenario where if someone wants to have a 20 Megapixel camera . . . ? What will the choices on the market look like once the 520 is released?
The camera helps a lot but everyone thinking they need the best equipment to produce the best imagery are simply confirming they don't know that they are doing.
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I'll chime in as the negative person. 2 of my older drones were discontinued as the MFG. went off into the commercial/military market leaving me with drones no longer being produced. Draganfly and then Steadidrone. Go checkout the prices of these guys today. Way out of my budget now. I just sold my steadidrone flare and am now an H owner. I hope the H sticks around for a while as a consumer product. I love it.

Time will tell.
While understanding your frustration, Steadidrone from the beginning was intended to migrate into the commercial market. The only reason I can think of to enter the consumer market was to gain enough capital and exposure to make the transition. I wish I had been aware you were parting with one as I would have bought it. Very easy to service and upgrade at the DIY level.

I really don't see the H going anywhere for awhile yet.
If the obvious short comings in the ST16 (can't tell the time and corrupts the saved video stream) aren't corrected soon in the next firmware update,
I think you can assume yuneec is sending a message: We Have stopped supporting the Typhoon H and are devoting our time to new and more expensive drones.
Corrupt the saved video stream? Certainly you jest as the video saved in the ST-16 has never been intended for anything more than cursory review purposes. The video saved to the SD card is the raw product.

Sorry, but people need to learn about the system's design intent before calling out non existent defects. The description of how and why video is stored in the ST-16 is well described at the Yuneec website.
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