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  1. H

    No connection possible with USB from drone to remote control. (For updates) - Defective USB socket, support exchanged drone

    EDIT: The drone is sent in, according to the technician probably defective USB socket. - Drone got replaced by a new one, everything works now. Short: Is there a way to reset everything (RC and Drone) ? or install manually the Firmware to the Drone (ST16E does not recognize the drone via USB)...
  2. F

    Height limit 20m

    I set my high to 80m but just before take of i get notivied that myt max height is 20m while it is still 80m in settings
  3. D

    UAV Toolbox Watch Media Problem

    I thought I was going crazy. I updated UAV Toolbox from v.2.1.2 to 3.0.1 on the ST-16 I use most often (I have 2 Typhoon H's). I tried to use the Watch Media function after a recent flight and found that, while the video played, the icon on the map view didn't budge. After I updated to v.3.2.0...
  4. K

    Mantis Q Connection Problem. Help please

    Hello there! I just bought this drone and I have a big problem with it. Last day I flew with it without any problem. Today, when I try to bind the drone with my phone it refuse to connect. I can see the drone on Wireless, I connect on it but it still says "NO CONNECTION" on app. I tried to...
  5. Rubik

    What happened to USCS?

    I tried to send Yuneec USCS an email today (as I've done several times before) and this is what I got twice: "This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed permanently: * [email protected] Reason: Permanent Error" Has anyone...
  6. S

    Works but won't take off after crash

    Okay, new guy is back. Took the Breeze on the desk today to get a pic of gutter line; wind took it an smacked it against the house. Fell about ten feet and parts flew off but it still seems to work except for takeoff. All the parts went back together; wifi works; still could download video...
  7. arruntus

    Four problems I found in the E90

    Hi I tell you about the 4 problems I have encountered so far using the E90. As I have already mentioned in another thread, a micro SD card that meets all requirements but does not work. I mention it in the thread Micro SD problem. What Micro SD buy? The MicroSD card stays stuck in the slot...
  8. arruntus

    Micro SD problem. What Micro SD buy?

    I'm going to refuel a post that talk about the subject in order to get into it. Thx Bob520 The manual says the following. I bought this card. Samsung EVO Plus 128GB MicroSDXC With SD Adapter I put it in the camera and the ST16S immediately upon power-up tells me that there is no Micro SD...
  9. Chris McMillan

    A cautionary "H" problem, and fix

    My "H" is now over 1 year old, and up until recently behaving itself really well. I download each of the firmware/software. I'm currently on the latest (B30). I had been happily using the newer feature of "Cruise Control" from last September's update, namely the "DPad" buttons for camera and...
  10. Q

    Typhoon H Timelapse Problem.

    Hello, I am new here and I have a question about the timelapse of the typhoon H. I was taking a timelapse of a house with the Point Of Interest. I let it take pictures for about 90 seconds but it only took 6 images, and the last image was crashed, split in half with green or grey background. I...
  11. G

    First crash. Gimbale wired cables - after FIX Up/Down Cam problem.

    Hi Everyone. I'm a beginner pilot. Yuneec Q500 4k. I'm flying in smart mode only. During my third flight I had an accident. I completely lost control of my drone. Fortunately my quadro finish on tree. I had a simmiliar situaktion like moste people on forum. I had broken wire on gimbal. I welded...
  12. S

    Modify the default wifi channel

    Hello All, Like many here, I bought breeze and it was working ok (few reboots to connect it to my Nexus 6P) now the wifi is gone, I can see it on my laptop, Iphone , Ipad but not on my Nexus. I noticed that Nexus doesn't discover the channel that breeze is broadcasting on (5 GHz , width 20MHz)...
  13. M

    is my H using ultrasonic or real-sense OA

    Evening all, How can I tell if real-sense is actually operating. I know there is an icon on the screen but short of flying it at a tree how can I tell??
  14. B


    From Yuneec Tech Support - A Reset Feature. See my reply below. I apologize for the late reply, we have been having some systematic errors here on our end. I have read your email and was going to let you know that you can try doing the reset on the Breeze unit if you'd like. What you would have...
  15. D

    typhoon H motor problem?

    when I run the motor test it sounds like the motors all sound the same but one or two have a different sound. Anyone else have this experience when testing the motors. I did remove the blades...

    J2 and J3 mixture

    Hello friends. I have a mixture with station ST16, with J2 and J3 channels. I updated and reset the system and the problem remains the same. Any ideas? Thank you very much, David
  17. R

    Altitude descending (descending) when level on ground

    Hi All. New Q500 4K owner here (actually new drone user!). Bought the unit used with only 3 previous flights. Took it out for a spin this morning and noticed the altitude readout was incorrect. It was showing about -45ft when on the ground. This number continually decreased, down to -65ft...
  18. S

    Typhoon h camera vibration

    Hello, I bought my typhoon h from france. I love the drone, but the camera is not that good . I feel that there is a lot of micro shake and vibration, no steady hold camera. Also a blurred video and not sharp. Some fixed this by replacing a new high quality lens, but i'm not that geek to do it...
  19. Chris McMillan

    A battery update for those interested...

    Greetings from Australia...... Stop press news on spare batteries......... Nothing here yet, and according to the importers, nothing in the pipeline. Everyone here surviving on one battery each and a couple of spare blades...... Don't know what's going on with the Yuneec distribution...
  20. Chris McMillan

    Always carry a padded bucket for the H

    First Problems yesterday with the H. After about 15 mins flying nicely, thought I'd bring it down. At approximately 20mt up I flicked the LG down........nothing. Up, down....nothing. Down to 5mt ..... Still staying up. (Not really panicking at this stage, just looking around for a bucket with a...