Well that was painful to watch, and I'll explain. First kudos to
@CAPTAINDRONE for his helpful remarks and conclusions on these two sUAV's. I bought the Typhoon-H for a couple of reasons: I wanted a RTF aeriel platform because I didn't have the time to build one up from the ground myself, and also because I hate DJI. I loved the look of the Typhoon-H and absolutely hate the toyish and (IMHO) lame look of the Phantom. So I jumped in thinking I would probably get something "almost as good" as the DJI product but much more cooler looking. Wrong.
As I said, I hate DJI. I have my reasons and won't go into that here. Having said that, I am simply blown away at the camera and feature set that comes with the Phantom as compared to Yuneec. I wish wish WISH I could have a Typhoon-H with a P4 feature set. At present that is simply not to be but who knows what Yuneec will come up with in the future.
My particular Typhoon-H has been nothing but problematic since the day I received it. It pains me to say it but I knew deep down the P4 was probably a better machine mostly because DJI has been through four iterations and has had the time to get most of the major issues solved. Clearly, the Typhoon can be considered a Mk.1 or at best Mk1.5 if you consider the Typhoon-Q before it. After viewing the video I was so tempted to go running out and buy the P4 not for its looks but for the camera and feature set. But I shall hold off on doing so because I simply can't stomach the idea of flying around with another DJI toy-looking product, no matter HOW good the thing is tech wise.
I'll grant the this Tom guy who did the comparison video is just another DJI fanboy, but unless you're completely biased or just plain stubborn you have to admit his points are right on. Simply a devastating review IMHO.